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  1. Funny. Yale and the VA are working together currently doing trials with MM. It is common knowledge in Neurology. The VA wants it to treat PTSD. Last I read, they were still taking volunteers. And as everyone has said, O2 is a first line of treatment, not a 'Well, if this fails we will get O2 for you.' That is bunk. "Here, have some pharma that can destroy your body rather than O2 which won't.' Nope, that boat won't float. Keep pushing and get onto the D3!!!!
    2 points
  2. It really is crazy-making. I think for Jon as for me that's not just an expression -- I have this momentary combination of rage, frustration, and bewilderment that feels literally crazy. And the thought that this son of a bitch has "many CH patients" that he's torturing for no fing reason at all . . . Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. Beyond that, Javan, first of all good on you for taking assertive responsibility for your treatment! You can almost certainly split your Imitrex injections if you decide to get them. They typically come in an auto-injector that shoots 6mg into you, but most people need only 2mg or at most 3mg. Here's a file about breaking open the injector so you can manage your own injections, but there might be newer types of injectors now that are harder to break open. Check youtube. Here's the file: https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/2446-extending-imitrex/ I'd take a hundred-dollar bet that the doctor isn't going to "research" MM at all, or if he does, the results of his "research" will be negative. In any event, he can't advise you about MM, and I think he's not even allowed to know you're using it. Meanwhile Yale Medical School is doing a clinical study of the effectiveness of psilocybin on CH.
    1 point
  3. Guys: I expound a theory that the ultimate treatment for the headache cycle lies within the pain itself. I have found the Triptans do cause me re-bounds, but only when in high cycle - also found that there is a point in high cycle when I have to go down in my office at home and let 'er rip. No meds - cold turkey - ice on the head - bang and scream and let the attack run its course. It seems almost like there is a number of attacks in a cycle that you must endure in the purest form of the pain for the Beast to begin to release its bloody talons. However those of you who have let me whine here for the last decade or more know that I keep the injections handy - and I take a healthy dose of Verap. every day all year - I have the big big O2 tank in the hall all year - I have tried a visit to the Portuguese wizard, busting with shrooms, Chinese doctor and herbs - nothing but licorice water for a week, water water water, exercise rapidly, ice on the carotid artery, steroid dose pak, Cluster vitamin regimen, Opioids, benzos, advil, melatonin, a Shaman in the Navajo tradition, Hot water pads, every other god dam thing. In the end; every single cluster cycle required absolute submission to the Beast in varying amounts before I can see the light.
    1 point
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