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  1. A-Z, My doc recommended Lithium many years ago. After reading the side effects I decided it wasn't worth it, when Oxygen works as good as it does. IMHO, I'd stay away from it also. J
    1 point
  2. ….soma the same folks as here, plus a bunch more "cracked heads"...started by a man (DJ) over 20 yrs ago cuz he found out he had CH and NOWHERE to find info!!! …... saved some lives and everything that boy.... ! ….just watch out for the occasional axe murderer...and read a few of the threads...you won't be sorrrrrrrrrry
    1 point
  3. Spiny, read about it on this site, and am following the regimen. Had blood work yesterday to determine Vitamin D levels. You just answered another question of mine, and that is whether to take high dose Vitamin D only during cycle or every day...thanks! You guys are awesome!
    1 point
  4. Yo AZ Yes, my CH is diagnosed/confirmed. My doctor prescribed me Diclofenac Sodium / Misoprostol along with Zolmitriptan when there is full CH attack, took both at once. It worked a little but i had no other options. Now i take Diclofenac Sodium / Misoprostol for headaches apart from CH. Well...that's GOOD...ya know what you are dealing with. Why no OXYGEN is a puzzlement tho! At least a try. If Doc says no...or DOESN'T know...get another Doc. It is the first line, first choice, most medically accepted (for decades now) abortive that works near miracles for many. Easy to use, relatively cheap, fast, NO SIDE EFFECTS. Without O2 I would have feared for my sanity and perhaps my life. The first time you use and feel the hit drain away like water you will know... and regret any delay... See these links: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/O2/index.html https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/1433-10-oxygen-information/ Re Zolmitriptin. Is it a tablet or the nasal spray? I had wonderful abortive results with the spray (5 mg)....5-8 min effectiveness....18 hr "free period"..99% effective for break throughs after O2, energy drinks, sometimes verapamil failed. Very expensive...just like Sumatriptan. I mighta paid ANYTHING at times tho...……… Me too mostly depressed. As i felt positive to SSRIs, took them for a few months 2 years back. Seems a clinically-depressed case But a physician Doc not a psychiatrist prescribed me SSRIs. SSRIs are good to certain point after that no! their side effects i didn’t like. Now thinking to take Magic Mushrooms to fix my mood and to stop Shadows. Interesting enough there are several antidepressants that have been used for preventive CH treatment. Not much success from what I gather. Amitriptyline was the one I tried...totally ineffective and life altering side effects (getting out of bed was my major accomplishment for the day) YMMV...…. Re MM...you are in EXACTLY the right place...check out the "Files" section. I have no personal experience with that method..... I was introduced to Verapamil after my last CH pain, however, i took them as a try and a preventive med. But very bad constipation problem and leave them. So, i didn’t know much about Verapamil effects What dosage? Did you do a prednisone or methylprednisolone taper first (to break the cycle while the verapamil kicks in...10-14 days). The reported "sweet spot' for clusterheads is 480 mg/dy in divided doses. I used (depending on cycle) 480-1040 mg dy of the immediate release type (the extended release version works for some but fewer than immediate release). Also known as "concrete dust" it definitely can cause constipation. I always made sure to drink LOTS of water and increase fiber intake (Metamucil works too) and did not have any problems...but we're all different... On Verapamil packet it is written Calcium-Channel blocker and Beef contains high amount of Calcium, it can be any connection between CH and Calcium?? Beef is actually relatively low in calcium (tho high in protein) compared to many foods like dairy, some leafy green veggies, soy products, nuts, seeds, beans, canned bone in fish, fortified cereals and juices, et al….see: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/15-calcium-rich-foods Verapamil does not play well with calcium….should separate intake by several hours… No i have not tested myself for Lyme disease. Might want to think about that if you have other symptoms besides CH trigger after beef intake…or even just that as inflammation from an allergic reaction is DEFINITELY a Ch trigger… Diclofenac Sodium / Misoprostol narrows nerves. In my expirence blood thinner things like Garlic make me down: mood and body. Taking blood thinner myself for another purpose….have noticed no effect on CH or mood….would be interested in others experience. There have been reports of Coumadin being effective for CH for some…so go figure Want to know more from you good-people The D3 info from Batch above is PRICELESS….I’d go for it…. Boring life i am living. With CH…aint nothing boring… Best Jon
    1 point
  5. Hey AZ, Even CHers who have been taking the entire anti-inflammatory regimen with 10,000 IU/day vitamin D3 and all the cofactors with a therapeutic 25(OH)D serum concentration around 80 ng/mL (me included) can experience "burn through" CH. The most common reason is an allergic reaction... An allergic reaction to CHers is like kryptonite to Superman. The first step if this is happening to you is to see your PCP/GP for the 25(OH)D lab test. If the results come back less than 70 ng/mL, I would increase the vitamin D3 dose. If the 25(OH)D lab test results come back greater than 80 ng/mL, an allergic reaction is the likely culprit. In that case, I start a week to 10-day course of Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) at 25 mg every 4 hours throughout the day. Just be careful and not drive as this much Diphenhydramine will make you drowsy. If driving during the day is a must, I wait until I'm home for the day then take 50 mg of Benadryl as I walk through the door and another 50 mg at bed time. If the Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) helps reduce the frequency of CH, I would start looking for the allergen causing the allergic reaction and reduce my exposure to it as much as possible. Pollen and mold spores at usually the problem. That said, many people are allergic to dust mite poo. It's everywhere around the bedroom, mattress, pillows, sheets, pillow cases and bed covers. New pillows and a dust mite proof hypoallergenic mattress cover can help if dust mites are the problem. I've also found Bio-Tech's D3-50 (50,000 IU water soluble vitamin D3 capsules) to be more effective in preventing CH than the liquid soft gel formulations. One 50,000 IU capsule every 5 days (An average of 10,000 IU/day) should be effective in preventing CH. Take care and please keep us posted. V/R, Batch
    1 point
  6. And, no i have not done Oxygen treatment, and what is the D3 regimen? i will try to do a good D3 search......... .
    1 point
  7. Also, energy drinks to abort!! If no one has mentioned it, you can drink one pretty quick. Energy drinks or shots. Just make sure it has caffeine and taurine in it, so long as you don't have heart problems!
    1 point
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