Supporter here for my wife who is going through her 3rd cluster. A former coworker of mine who has since retired battled CH for nearly 30 years. He's in his late 60's and has been in remission for nearly 6 years and is now living his retirement dream golfing and fishing in Florida. He started the D3 regimen back in 2014 before his fall cycle started (amongst other things) and was able to drop all of his CH meds. He was always episodic with his clusters in September and October.
I called him two weeks ago to let him know that my wife was back in cycle and to get his advice on a few things, including Verapamil which he used to take. That night, after 6 years, my buddy had a CH and has had it nightly since. He has never had a CH outside of Sep-Oct in his life, and after a 6 year remission he starts getting hit the day I called him and brought up CH. This is amazing to me. (In a negative way) It makes you wonder just how powerful the mind and subconscious may be when it comes to pain, illness, etc. Is it more likely this is just a terrible, terrible coincidence? Luckily the CH's have only been once per night, and according to him haven't gotten over a 5-6 since they started. To my surprise, he had never tried Oxygen in his life before I brought it up to him, and he was able to obtain an E-Tank from a friend in the medical profession and has been aborting in 5-10 minutes. (So if nothing else good comes out of this, now he can proactively get Oxygen before his future cycles knowing it will work)
EDIT: I hope it goes without saying, but this is not to say that I'm suggesting the pain is somehow all in one's mind. After seeing my wife (who has an extremely high pain threshold) go through these, I have zero doubts that nothing we humans feel can compare to CH. My only curiosity being thoughts and theories on the mind being able to trigger the beast.