14th Annual Cluster Headache Patient Conference
Talent Show
September 19, 2019
We are excited to showcase some of the most talented Clusterheads at this year’s conference. If you sing, dance, play an instrument, or do anything else exciting (and suitable for an audience), we want you to audition!
Please send your video to Timf1913@aol.com by July 15th, 2019.
The top 10 will perform on Saturday, September 21, 2019 during the Clusterbusters Farewell Dinner.
You must be available and plan to attend the conference in order to apply.
We may be limited in the A/V equipment we can supply so please plan accordingly.
We will post results of the auditions on Facebook and our website event page on July 30, 2019.
We will also be providing a display area for anyone that wants to display their talents. Let Tim know at the above email address if you’d like to display your visual art. Space may be limited. We’ve witnessed a lot of great talent over the years and we’d love to have you share it with the rest of the community.
Let’s show The Beast what we can do!