Hi. It took a particularly bad car accident to transition Michael from episodic to chronic. The headache pain made him so uncontrollable in the hospital (he's a big guy, he was breaking stuff, scaring the nurses, so they put him in restraints and gave him a shot of something they called "White Night"). It put him in a coma for 5 days. After he came out of the coma he was good - for awhile. Then they got bad and didn't stop. And they've gotten worse over the last several years. He's in bed all the time now except for a few hours at night - not that the headache goes away, he just can't stand being cooped up in his room 24/7. So, he gets up and we watch some TV together for a couple of hours. And then LSD came along (after an 8 month search) and for the first time in years THE HEADACHES COMPLETELY WENT AWAY, COMPLETELY WENT AWAY. AMAZING!! And then, after a totally wonderful 5 days of being completely PF, they came back. We're trying the r.c. seeds which seem to help and will be getting an oxygen setup ASAP. And then we'll wait until the government's paranoia eases and they devote the necessary time and resources into bringing psychedelics, both natural and artificial, and altered molecules of those psychedelics which produce no at least noticeable psychedelic experience to patients like bromo-LSD, into laboratories, hospitals and clinics for their widespread dissemination and use.