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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. Hey Jay - at 29 days into an episode I'm sure you are truly motivated. I've adopted the cliche "desperate times call for desperate measures" practically as my SLOGAN in the past when I've been where you're at right now. Here's hoping the good Samaritan college kids will come through for you TODAY.
  2. Thanks Jay - and yes I absolutely assume that sharing is off limits here. Man I wish I woulda been thinking about this when the giant Bonaroo outdoor rock festival was being held here recently. It would been VERY hot there though. Otherwise, I don't know that I've ever had the personality for hanging around somewhere and asking strangers about mushrooms, but now especially at age 51, I figure I'd likely send the college kids screaming. Agreed that a mainstream country music festival may not exactly be the right venue either. ;D
  3. Hey Clusterheads, Been meaning to register here for a good while now - some of you may recognize me from the clusterheadaches.com forum (hey Bonkers! ), where I routinely suggest to new members that they come on over here and learn about clusterbusting. I have a few topics to start here, but I'll try to just focus on one for this post: I AM A LUCKY SOB! I say this because although I started having CH attacks every year starting about 30 years ago, the frequency of episodes gradually started diminishing, and I went 7 voonderbar years between my 2 last episodes. My most recent episode started around August of last year and lasted about 2.5 months. I've been experiencing a day of shadows once every 9 to 14 days for the past several months. I've always dosed with around 45 RC seeds at bedtime on the day of the shadows, and have woken up symptom free until the next shadow 9 to 14 days later. Well I did this again just a few days ago with the same results except that after just one day PF, the shadows are back for 2 days in a row now. I'm not just a lucky SOB, I am also a vigilant one when it comes to CH, so just in case this is a new episode trying to start up, I'm seriously planning on looking into knocking it out with nature's fungi from the cow pastures. Last year the RC wasn't enough to thwart my CH episode and I'm ready for the big guns. FINALLY the question: For a feller living in the city in Tennessee, any opinions on what would be the smartest way to proceed, either somehow finding out where the accessible cow pastures are and harvesting the relief that mother nature offers there, or ordering spores and waiting around for 'em to grow? Hmmmm....next up I better go check and see whether spores can even be shipped to TN - last time I checked I was in WA, and there wasn't a problem. (FYI - unfortunately I don't know anyone who could get me some curative fungi. This wouldn't have been a problem for me in the 1970's. )
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