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Everything posted by Bejeeber
Marina, while a lot of CH'ers 'do the dance' and can't imagine anyone lying down, some do respond in a different way and will do their writhing lying down. :-? It's not that uncommon. I know you're concerned about the effects of sumatriptan. While he's still on it, I suppose we should check into what sort of injection dosage he's taking, because what can be a major game changer there is the fact that dosages, and their side effects, can be significantly reduced (as in cut by 1/3 or 1/2) and still be just as effective. Here's the link to the imitrex tip that outlines how to do this, if this isn't something you've seen, or your son hasn't been doing already: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/imitrex.html (also this tip assumes 6 mg injections, but I seem to recall some folks reporting they've been prescribed something like 4 mg injections in the UK??)
I'd like to take this auspicious occasion to nominate Angel for a CH medal of honor for heroism for rescuing her hubby. [smiley=engel017.gif] Oh yeah and happy birthday. [smiley=birthdays.gif] [smiley=birthdays.gif]
C'mon Ting, can't ya get a loaner computer in the meantime or something? :-? This place is going to kind of suck without our mascot. :'(;D
You're welcome Marina, and gee willikers Clustermom13, I hadn't seen your post about the 'send to a friend' button before I piped in. I really shoulda known about that already - thanks for pointing it out.
Hi Marina - maybe a good way to email to him would be to send the link for this particular topic: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1293084254/99#99 ....so he can hopefully just click'n go? And while we're at it, here's the link for high flow 100% oxygen info - it details the effective method of O2 use that doctors don't prescribe: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/O2/index.html
I believe ya. Well I believe he's at least tried everything the doctors have to offer. Here's the thing about that though: The most effective treatments aren't prescribed by doctors. Really. Mushrooms and the like are easily the most effective preventative I've seen. I've experienced CH for 30+ years now, and have been on all the drugs too. Doctors prescribe low flow re-breather oxygen. That is pathetic. they are unequivocal idiots for doing this and believe me your son has a lot of good company amongst CH'ers who have lost faith in doctors. Here are 2 very important, critical actually, questions: 1) Has your son tried high liter flow (25 LPM or above) oxygen with a special regulator and a non rebreather mask, both of which medical supply places don't carry? 2) Has he tried psilocybin or RC seeds? If the answer is 'no' to either of these then not only has he not tried everything, he hasn't tried the most effective preventative nor the best overall abortive, both of which happen to be non toxic. [Disclaimer: there are very rare cases of CH that don't respond to hi flow,100% O2. I can think of 2 - Michael and MJ] I'm skipping over licorice root for now, because this is a brand new idea that as far as I know, just one person firmly believes he has broken a cycle with (no offense Les), while the therapies I mentioned above have been used successfully by countless CH'ers over the course of several years now. Or have I missed newer reports of others convinced they've broken a cycle with licorice root? I'm certainly anxious to hear all developments.....
What a Long Strange Trip It's Been - from "Truckin'" by the Grateful Dead? I'm afraid I'm only familiar with a couple Dead tunes, but that'd be one of 'em. 8-)
When I first saw the "Hubby's Update" title of your post I felt a little jolt of dread, knowing how bad he'd had it for way too long - but then I quickly noticed the smiley face right there in the title too and WOOHOO oh man what a relief to find out he's been PF for 2 months now (??!!). YES! ;D
This was the cause of 4.7 metric honkloads of LOL in Gnashville. ;D
Yep when it rains it pours and when it pains it roars (into the toilet!). Sounds like you're suspecting the pain pills for the back coulda run interference with the busting, and that sounds like a reasonable theory to me too. Glad it has stopped paining/roaring there - phew! - and here's to continued clear skies in the forecast!
Happy B Day to da ROCK! 8-)
AMEN - that fact definitely does not blow in the toilet - and the congregation is deep in prayer that there shall be no more infernal toilet blowing.
I haven't been following the BOL thing much but I have to wonder if they need to proceed with extreme caution - if they illegally dispensed some now it could blow the whole deal and delay the development of BOL indefinitely, so they probably feel they have no choice but to let current CH'ers twist in the wind while they try to get BOL approved and on the market so it can help multitudes of CH'ers for a long time to come? Of course there certainly are folks illegally making LSD in labs for distribution - I wonder if they are the more likely ones to try to get to make and distribute some BOL while they're at it? Not that I have any idea who they are. Hipshot that just royally blows - "blows into the toilet!" - (I just made that one up) that you could be getting slammed big time again right now after all of your previous success. > WTF??!! is right. Throw in a bad trip and of course this would be getting anyone really down right now. It very well may be a temporary blip - and you may get right back into being busted again so hang on there Hipshot! Meanwhile I figure we probably have to try not to let thoughts that originated during bad trips follow us too much afterwards (can be easier said than done - I know). Wondering - did you try any anti-anxiety herbs such as skullcap or such during the last busting attempt? So sorry to hear that CH has roared back and is really making your ship hot, Hip Shot. :'(
Always very inspiring to hear of such successes! Thanks for relaying the great New Year's news Kleinsopp, and a big thank you to mother nature for getting Kleinsopp there.Â
Not cool to get ambushed outa the blue like that without even a tingler or hint! > This beast does NOT play fair, does he? > Glad you'll be able to give him another well deserved bust in the chops.
I wish it made me look like a mountain lion. Those are the best lookin' creatures on the planet IMO!Â
Yes before I hung a left I could've mentioned that a headache specialist is usually the only one who'll know anything. The only knowledge most run of the mill neurologists have about CH is a couple catch phrases they learned, and they're both wrong.
Yeah as the decades have flung by it's gotten to the point where the hits can and will happen at any time of day or night for me (when I'm in cycle that is - I am one LUCKY lucky episodic). For the first 20 years or so of my 30+ years with CH I would never ever get a hit during my waking hours after nightfall (before bed) and was able to meditate every evening with no concern. I would try to claim those were the good 'ol days, but in recent years I've learned from fellow clusterheads on these 2 sister forums such effective ways to fight the beast that so far I've been able to consistently hit him back with nice crunching knockout punches , so these are more like the good days now, even if being on 24 alert is necessary. Meditating while treating - hey that does sound like it could be a heckuva voonderbar experience. 8-) With music or without?
Hey Sam, well glad to see you've been getting the great advice here - you are definitely going to find MUCH MUCH more effective ways to deal with this beast. I see you had a typical encounter with a terribly ignorant doctor who prescribed imitrex pills because he gets migraines (you're right of course, the pills are way too slow - if you're going to use imitrex, injectible is the most effective form). Here's the sad thing about most doctors IMO - they are arrogant, ignorant harm doers of the worst sort when it comes to CH. And I'll re-emphasize the point that any alcohol is a HUGE mistake. Anecdotally - like naps and sleep, I actually find meditation to be a trigger for CH when I'm in cycle. That is one ironic rip off.Â
Agreed. Sigh. We humans have concocted many twisted and back asswards taboos, stigmas and laws. Historically I guess we can see it's kind of our nature to do so. Case in point: In much of modern society, prednisone use, although extremely dangerous, is fully accepted and encouraged, but a plentiful little mushroom that grows wild and is more effective than just about anything else known at stopping the most excruciating head pain known to medical science is ILLEGAL to use medicinally??!!
"Oh Dan..." LOL! ;D
That's very interesting, especially since I know that anxiety can be a mushroom side effect during the short time one is under the influence. Oddly I find that they seem to have a calming / anti-anxiety after effect though - anyone else noted that? I actually have a bottle of skullcap herb here and plan to take some with the mushrooms next time I dose, as I read in the shroom guidelines it is a recommended anxiety easer, and unless I find out there's any reason not to, I'll be considering taking valerian and other relaxing herbs at the same time too. I figure that when we have herbs that are relaxers at our disposal, might as well take them instead of drugs, for some of the same reasons we've found mushrooms to be preferable to drugs.
Yeah, I just figure that when something like that goes ripping trough your head, there's gotta be damage to recover from. It's actually been a justification for taking preventative or abortive meds for me in the past, since some of the meds felt like they did less lingering damage than an actual attack would've.
Oh lordy another video opportunity missed! Can you imagine what kind of a killer video could be made - especially set to the right music - with clips such as Tingeling charging down the street in full sprint mode (maybe a slow motion close up would work nicely) juxtaposed with Kaboom's turkey neck and cheek fat pulling vacuum cleaner escapades!? Come to think of it slow motion could be good for Kaboom's stuff too. ;D