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Everything posted by Brew

  1. Welcome. You need to go to clusterbusters.com and read all you can about detoxing before going this route. Otherwise it won't be effective.
  2. Please, if there's a God in heaven, let it become reality for every one of us.
  3. Have them delivered to a friend in a neighboring state and take a drive to retrieve them. And then catch up with your friend.
  4. You need to read and read some more at clusterbusters.com. He needs to be completely detoxed from these drugs for a minimum of 5 days before the psychoactives will have any effect. These other drugs are blocking the positive effects of the psilocybin. And he's lucky the lithium didn't intensify the effects - I've read it can do that in some people. Get to reading. Seriously, for your own peace of mind.
  5. Brew

    Hi new here

    What I'm saying is you don't just stop prednisone "cold turkey" if you have been on it for more than a couple of days. It can throw your adrenal glands into shock. Yes, you have to be detoxed off prednisone before utilizing buster methods. And no, you don't taper up on prednisone - you start with the biggest blast and then taper down. Normally utilized along side a preventative like verapamil to transition into the build up of the preventative to therapeutic levels, which can take 10-14 days.
  6. Brew

    Hi new here

    Whoa, Flash. Back the truck up. I have two problems with this. 1. If a person has been taking prednisone for more than a few days, you don't just get off it immediately. Doing so can cause more harm than good. It must be tapered off so that one's adrenal glands slowly get back to producing a natural level of cortisone. 2. Most every clusterhead I know that has taken prednisone reports that it's anything but ineffective. For most it will stop the attacks dead in their tracks. The problem lies in not being able to stay on the stuff for more than a couple of weeks without creating some of what you properly term as terrible side effects. Clarity in the written word is essential.
  7. To this day I can still have a compounding pharmacy make it for me. In fact, my insurance company has their own in-house compounding pharmacy that used to make it. But if you don't have insurance, it ain't cheap - about $600 per month for a prescription calling for 2mg, 3x per day. It's not illegal - just not profitable. Sandoz had the license to sell it as Sansert, but you can get it generically as methysergide maleate. But when I compare cost and risk of methysergide to $49.95 plus S&H for 500+ RC seeds, it's no contest
  8. I think he meant PITA. Pain In The A$$
  9. The big disadvantage of methysergide (or Sansert as it's known) is that it has to be taken every day, usually multiple times per day, and if one stays on it for six months, a drug holiday has to be taken for a minimum of one month in order to avoid side effects that can cause permanent damage - like a pesky case of fibrosis of the kidneys, lungs or heart valves. I've taken it with success from time to time over the last 10 years, but that fibrosis thing scares the shit out of me.
  10. There is currently some frontier research being done on BOL, or 2-Bromo LSD. In layman's terms (the only ones I know), they have attached a bromine atom to the LSD molecule which renders it non-hallucinogenic. The good part (for us) is that it seems to have the same therapeutic effect on CH. A test with 4 subjects was conducted last year in Germany with VERY promising results, and another study is in the works at Harvard's McLean Hospital, hopefully as early as 2010. What's really exciting, in my opinion, is that a non-hallucinogenic treatment has a much better chance of flying though the FDA approval process. You can find more about it on this site, but I'm not sure which threads. Try the search function. I was fortunate enough to hear Dr. Halpern talk about it at the CB conference in Chicago this past September.
  11. Advice: stay off any conventional meds you might have (lithium, melatonin, imitrex, etc.), and follow up your post-camping experience again in 5-7 days, if you can locate more camping supplies. Seems to cement the first dose, according to the good folk around here. Any sooner will just be a waste of raw materials. If you can't find any, go to any of a number of websites that sell rivea corymbosa seeds or Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds and follow the instructions on clusterbusters.org. Good luck.
  12. Hi, Jen! We're glad Phil is still around (to abuse), and we're glad you're here, too.
  13. Hi, Jazz! (I love saying that) Have these three PF years been due to just one treatment, or have you had to do maintenance doses? How often?
  14. Brew


    Glad to hear that you've "moved" on to bigger and better things, Boo. As your name implies, somebody must have scared the crap out of you. I'm thinking that you won't know how much effect the seeds have had until you're off the verapamil. Have you and/or your doctor devised a plan for tapering off of it? Just asking in case I find myself in a similar situation. Thanks!
  15. Brew


    Hey, Boo! Glad to see you kept your original handle. I like it. I hope to be in the spot you're in someday soon. Every time I start my detox the beast keeps reappearing, showing me that he's not quite done with me. And I keep looking at that little jar of seeds in the fridge with envy. It'll happen eventually. Keep us posted on how it goes. I, for one, am very interested. Bill
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