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Everything posted by Brew

  1. At this year's auction, I will be donating the final piece of art by Pat Mitchell from her now finite portfolio. Simply entitled "Mushroom," it is a mosaic piece designed for the garden. It stands about two-and-a-half feet tall and is grouted with epoxy grout, designed to remain outdoors all year long.
  2. One of our own has fallen on hard times. Jeannie is one of the sweetest, most caring clusterheads I know, and she needs our help. Please consider lending a hand so her family's life can be a little less devastating this time of the year: https://www.gofundme.com/34mj29k Thank you. God bless us, everyone.
  3. They (the ED drugs) are vasodilators. Kind of the opposite of the direction we want to go when we're having an attack.
  4. 16 months pain-free does not a cure make. I went three years pain-free. But I'm not cured. Sure was a nice three years.
  5. ...if there's a private message area in this new forum? If there is, I can't find it. Thanks.
  6. Once I kicked my attacks to the curb in May of 2012 with mega-doses of D3, I have maintained my 25(OH)D levels since by taking 10,000 iu / day. My serum 25(OH)D level stays between 70-80 ng/mL. No attacks or shadows since.
  7. Brew


    I'm so sorry for you and your family, Bob. Please accept our most heartfelt condolences.
  8. Three that I can think of: That last one, well, I'm not sure if it's an incurable disease or if it just means that I have to be careful which, if any, biologic medications I can take in the future. I've been told that use of biologics like Humira, Remicade, etc. can increase the chances that I'll develop lupus. The first two - treatable but not "curable."
  9. Can't say one way or the other. I've always taken them dried and powdered inside a gelatin capsule or three.
  10. Here's a link to the colleague letter: http://www.ouch-us.org/downloads/ch_syndrome.pdf
  11. Methergine is generally given to post-partum mothers to control bleeding. It is a powerful vasoconstrictor.
  12. Methergine never worked for me. Gave it two months. Nothing. Don't remember the dosage.
  13. It's a sub-cutaneous injection, meaning it doesn't go directly into the bloodstream. I can't imagine a human being able to perceive the difference with a sub-cutaneous absorption rate anywhere on the body. It's why it takes 5-10 minutes to become effective.
  14. One of the things about Sansert that scared the shit out of me is the fibrosis issue. You have to take a one-month holiday from it every six months or you risk having your kidneys and heart valves turn to gristle. No matter that it no longer works, Dan - I've been pain free for over a year now thanks to the D3 regimen. Edited to add: It worked for about two years.
  15. Worked for me - at first. Then alas, like just about everything else I had tried, lost its efficacy.
  16. If anyone knows when they can drink and when they cannot, it would be a clusterhead!
  17. I bought a used pepper mill at Goodwill. $3.
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