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Everything posted by Brew

  1. CPAP only pressurizes room air, it doesn't concentrate O2 out of the air. You know that room air is only 21% oxygen, right? CPAP and high-flow oxygen therapy are two entirely different animals.
  2. I always have a laminated photocopy of any prescriptions I carry on, along with a copy of the prescription for my CPAP machine, which I also carry on. Never been a problem. You might have a problem with the energy drinks - unless you purchase them in the secure area of the airport.
  3. It is my understanding that no airline will allow a pressurized canister of any gas carried onto a flight by a passenger (obviously because of the damage it could do if it were to rupture). Concentrators are okay, but that doesn't do us non-COPD folks much good, does it?
  4. They taste much better, too.
  5. Minimum of 5 days. 7 is better.
  6. But you sure seem hellbent on steering them away from it.
  7. Brew

    My world

    Next step would be to get your hands on some fungus or paper and start mixing it up a little.
  8. Brew

    My world

    In my humble opinion, one has to view the use of psychedelics (such as seeds) the same way one uses antibiotics. If you take one or two or three or four doses, it's not going to kill off the infection. It will have almost the opposite effect - makes the strain of bacteria a little more resistant to the chemical you're using to try to kill it off. Psychedelics are sort of the same way. You have to keep after it, hitting it with another round every 5-7 days until it's gone for a good, long time. It took me three months of dosing every weekend to get to where I am today, and I have gone up to 9 months without dosing. It's like a machine gun effect. Hit it with one or two rounds, and you might just piss it off. Keep pounding it until it's good and dead and you might just get some pain-free time.
  9. That's just not true. Impurities in welding oxygen cause welds to fail. If that were the case, you'd see bridges and buildings falling down all around you. Fact is, I've seen hundreds of reports from CH sufferers who routinely use welding oxygen without incident. Please get the facts.
  10. For those having trouble locating busting material, try doing a google search on Rivea Corymbosa seeds. You can buy them right over the interwebs.
  11. I also do a pretty good Neil Young impression.
  12. My dad's whole side of the family was and is Canadian. Although I'm born and raised in the US of A, nobody ever had to explain the game of hockey to me. Does that count? ETA: I also understand curling.
  13. You could just mention that it seems you have gone into remission (no need to mention that the remission was caused by x or y or z). "I think I'll hold off on refilling these Rx's, but I'd like to keep the O2 on hand just in case - since it's the best abortive I have available to me." Not every truth needs to be spoken.
  14. Patience, grasshopper. Not everybody is here as often as noobies are. I get 'em every once in awhile.
  15. Honestly, I don't remember. I thought they were sinus infections at first, and so did my doc, so they could not have been as bad as they eventually got. I do know this: They had gotten so bad by the time I turned 30 that I sat down with tears in my eyes and wrote out my will. I was convinced (before I was properly diagnosed) that I had a brain tumor.
  16. Like this: Ow. Ow ow. OWWWWWW OWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! Sonofabitch
  17. Looks like somebody might have left themselves logged in and got hacked a little while back.
  18. His screen name is kymera_gr7 And yeah, that was messed up.
  19. You need to go here and do some reading: http://clusterbusters.wikidot.com/userpage:7
  20. Brew


    No, that's the only trophy fish I ever caught. I haven't been fishin' since October of 2011.
  21. Be sure to peel them first.
  22. http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290128974
  23. Brew


    That was in 1986.
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