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Everything posted by Brew

  1. Cool, Joe. Maybe you can come a few days early or stay a few days late.
  2. Both "She Who Must Be Obeyed" and I are planning to be there with bells on.
  3. I'd be interested to know why: a) you did not include your website address when posting this here, and you decided not to call it a "cure" like you did on two other message boards. Oops, my bad. You DID call it a cure:
  4. Print about 20 copies of this, always have one with you, and hand them out ad nauseum: http://www.ouch-us.org/chgeneral/colleagueletter.htm
  5. Brew

    sleep apnea

    I have been diagnosed with severe sleep apnea since 2001. CPAP has given me a great deal of my rest back, but the treatment has done nothing to effect any change in my CH - other than being better rested to fight the battle, which is huge. Fungus, on the other hand...PF since May.
  6. Imitrex injectable is a subcutaneous injection, right? I ask because I have never injected Imitrex. I inject a different drug once a week, and it's sub-q. If it is, do it in your belly fat, dude. 45-degree angle. Hurts less.
  7. I was going to post this article yesterday, but I noticed the copyright on it was 2008. I thought I'd look a fool, but apparently they just published it. Anybody know why it would be copyrighted 2008?
  8. I found that verapamil turned out to be okay during "detox" in that it did not seem to block the therapeutic effect of the seeds once I started them. Then again, who knows how much more effective they might have been right out of the gate? I'm hoping I'll never have to find out now. I was getting slammed back then, and desperate times called for desperate measures.
  9. Brew


    Have you ever considered hiring an editor? This is unreadable. And if you really want to get your message across....
  10. Any time I've discussed this with any of my docs, I preface the conversation by saying, "Please put down the pen, close my chart, and let's just talk for a minute. I don't want any of what I'm about to say written in my chart." I've never had one of them refuse to just talk.
  11. My neuro was completely on board. Then he moved to Reno. And I stayed behind in Wisconsin. I printed and gave a copy of the BOL study to my current neuro, and he said he's heard some really good things about this treatment. I left it at that.
  12. You can also say that you fish and that you like to keep your bait investment alive as long as possible.
  13. Chris - Have you tried the clusterbuster route yet? If it were me, I'd certainly be exploring it before I'd allow anyone to cut into my head.
  14. http://www.ouch-us.org/chgeneral/colleagueletter.htm
  15. I wonder if there exist any cluster headache sufferers who, for whatever reason, were born without hands....Might destroy your parents' theory and give you your revenge.
  16. That's the same weekend as the OUCH convention in Atlanta.
  17. I don't read Arabic, so I can't comment on that part. The thing I find most interesting is that he doesn't identify himself. That speaks volumes to me.
  18. How are you using the O2? It should be with a non-rebreather mask (the kind with the bag and all holes on the mask covered when you inhale), and your regulator needs to be set at a minimum of 15 liters per minute. 25 lpm would be better - if it goes that high. You want to be breathing NOTHING but pure O2, and bordering on hyperventilating.
  19. I don't think so. I've met a few really stupid clusterheads along the way. Even I can be pretty stupid from time to time. Here's what makes me "feel better about it all" - were it not for CH, I never would have met some of the finest human beings that have ever walked the planet. Men and women of true character. So in a way, it is a left-handed blessing. There may be some higher purpose in it all, but I don't reckon I'm smart enough to figure it out. This is the closest I've come.
  20. Happy Birthday, Birthday Boy!
  21. A wise man once said that we don't lose friends as we get older. We simply find out who our true friends are.
  22. Brew


    The calm before the storm, perhaps.
  23. Brew


    My babe ain't gnarly, but yes. Better than I've been in YEARS! FUKINEH!
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