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Everything posted by Hipshot
Just go there like you own the place and tell them you would like to lease an M tank. You already have the acetylene if they ask. You can buy or lease small tanks too for the car etc. But I wouldnt worry about the small tank for now. It is very important. You will find that it is your life line. Dan
They call It Dope a max for a reason. I was stuttering ...even stuttering in my thoughts when I took topomax. Bad stuff. You must drop whatever it is that you are doing and get the correct oxygen setup. We all have oxygen. Get it by whatever means. Get a new doc or go lease a tank...a big tank . Mine is $40 per year and under &10 to refill. Go to menu and to the oxygen page and get an optimask. Go to harbor freight or something similar and get a regulator that goes to 15lpm minimum. You can have it done in one day and you will be sooo very glad that you did. It will save your life. Glad to have you join the group. Dan
The verapamil is a good short term fix but long term it has bad side effects. Low BP and pulse. Big time constipation and lethargy. Makes sex hard (not hard?) haha. To each his own. Other people seem to be able to tolerate high dose long term. Why are you putting the o2 off for weeks? Get an Optimask and 15 lpm flow and you will be a new man. Mushrooms work for me, relatively speaking. Good luck and welcome. Dan
Hey pixie. I like your tag line.congratulations. It makes you want to tell the whole world, doesnt it? I'm proud for you. The shrooms have saved my life too. Dan
I will answer for her. YES she will. She will be wearing her French maid outfit as she serves me my medicine. Or we might have her in a cute little nurse uniform. You guys can vote on it if you want to; this is a democracy isn't it? Everyone loves a democracy unless you are a sheep and you and two wolves are voting on what's for dinner Dan
Nuthin but love
Right on Allyoop. Credit where credit is due. The thing is: we found it. I am glad to call you guys my friends.
Hi guys. I will make myself available. WOW a thousand members! I don't guess I've looked at the count in a while. I think that is fantastic, other than knowing that that is only a small percentage of us. Just think if 1000 poor bastards found us (myself included) while hurting, being told by doctors that the next treatment ;D Will fix them. Under all that stress I would never have found this site. I was too busy sucking air and screaming and feeling sorry for myself. In many cases; most cases I would submit, it is a supporter that discovers this site and the salvation that lies within. I thank God for Lee Ann and for all of the other supporters out there. CHF and bonkers (Ron) most definitely included. I guess my question is: of a thousand have found us, how many have not? Dan
I use an OptiMask...in the nose and out the mouth. Works great for me. Never tried the mouth piece but the on demand sounds like the Cadillac. Dan
You can use either the mask or the mouthpiece. They both connect to the same place...opposite from the bag. If connected correctly you shouldn't be able to pull any oxygen (or air) unless it is in the bag. If the bag is empty you should not be able to suck anything through the mask. That assures 100% oxygen when it is assembled correctly. YOu will see...it is a life saver. Dan
Hi there, I see your post last post was at 2:35 am. That says it all. >
Welcome to the group Shahooty. I am impressed with your Doctor but... Verapimil nearly killed me after being on it for two years. My pulse was down to 48bpm. I couldn't Sh*t, I could barely get out of bed and the attacks finally busted through all the medication. I have tried it all with the exception of deep brain stimulation. I took Prednisone and have had a total hip relpacement due to the side effects. Bad Stuff! > Mushrooms have literally saved my life. I would advise you to save yourself a lot of time, energy, pain and money. Get detoxed and bust the beast with 1.5g of dried mushrooms. The mushrooms together with oxygen are the only reason I am alive. No exaggeration. I am sorry you had the need to find us but you found the right place.The people on this board are my best friends. They have saved my life as well as countless others. Hang tough Dan
Welcome Back John. Sorry to hear you got whammed. Hang in there. This is a great place to hang out. Dan
Damn attorneys, always dwelling on small details. Right CHF? haha
Ron, You stated it perfectly. No winks or twinkles for damn sure. Just despair for now and hope for the future. If you don't mind I will show your post to Lisa...Do you mind? Thank you all very much. I wouldn't do this without your support. NO WAY. I know what to do, if I can just do it. I even thought about calling my attorney/buddy today but I know what he will say. >
you are good Ting. I understand what you're saying
Thanks everyone. I suppose the bottom line is...I will do my best to put a good face on our affliction and what we have to go through and NatGeo will do their best to make a show. There will be no mailbox shot...just a mention of angels amount us BOL is going to be my focus and indeed it is what I am committed to somehow making available to all of us. I will do my best to get Lisa to understand our plight and get her on OUR side. Thanks for helping me out. Dan
I was too fast for ya CHF. Thanks for your insight. To my knowledge I can be seen doing something illegal...like taking mushrooms or smoking a big fatty. As long as I don't get caught with "it" on me I think i would be ok. Can they get me if they know I had a garden some months in the past...some years in the past??? The other Explorer showed the people tripping their asses off and I have to assume that they weren't arrested for it. I know...ASSUME...bad thing to do I suppose. I think I would be in the clear and if not there is indeed something wrong in Denmark. Thanks for your thoughts, thats what I'm looking for. And thanks for the thanks. Can you smoke in jail? haha Dan
haha. How about I will tell them what I will do. I will be the director???We will be the director.I will have 'em eating out of my hands. or...I will have my way with her ;D
Thanks guys. Jeeber, if I wasn't happily married to Lee Ann I'd want to marry you Great reply Don't get jealous bonkers. So far I agree with what's been said and again, thanks. I didn't mention it but I will also show my little farm...it should be good timing. I figure I should show and tell everything that is useful without going too far. The too far part is what I'm unsure of. I think showing me growing my own medicine and taking same is pretty powerful stuff. Much more impact than going to the mailbox. They initially wanted to show the use of LSD which I have not tried and I made that clear to her. I figured since an angel fixed me up, and since I hate being on shrooms I'd do LSD. Two birds with one stone. Lisa mentioned to me this morning that mushrooms or LSD would work with them. As far as the law, I'm sure for the most part they have better things to do. On the other hand...angel in my shoulder...I will have nothing in my possession for quite some time after this deal airs, if indeed it does. I want to get our points across with the most impact. The producer described it as telling a story through pictures. I am not a "get on camera" kinda guy...believe me. I find it hard to believe that i am their best hope in the whole damn world. I will take any encouragement you have to share. I want to emphasize the mind bending effects of mushrooms and the lack thereof with BOL. Mostly I want to pay it forward and enlighten the ignorant. : Dan
Mushrooms and oxygen. Mushrooms and oxygen. Mushrooms and oxygen...
Hello fellow clusterheads. I have a dilemma and could use your help, thoughts and opinions please. I volunteered for the show and have talked with Lisa, a producer for NatGeo. It seems that I am the only "older looking, not a doper looking" volunteer. They also like me because I hate the effects of busting. I did insist that BOL would be mentioned and discussed. She agreed wholeheartedly. I have agreed to show my face, tell my story and be filmed having a headache and taking LSD or mushrooms. They want to depict a day in the life of a clusterhead. I have given this lots of thought. They even want to reenact me getting a present from my mailbox. 8-) 8-) 8-) I told them I didn't think that would be wise and her response was: "That's a big part of the story, a picture is worth a thousand words.." how you guys get your medication... I talked to a friend on this board and he says HELL NO as far as the mail goes. He indicated that I would probably piss a lot of people off...WTF I am in this to perhaps help someone...maybe make a difference, I certainly don't want it to backfire. I will have my sh*t in order. My house will be sanitized as well as my computer. Most everyone who knows me knows full well what I do to save my life. If someone doesn't understand...F 'em. Do you think I should do this? Lee Ann is hesitant, my two kids are proud of me...and now I don't know what to think. Thanks in advance for your opinions. Dan
I have told my doctors. We all need to tell everyone that will listen, and then repeat as necessary
*BUSTING INSTRUCTIONS* and info for Newcomers
Hipshot replied to Dallas Denny's topic in General Board
Atta boy Denny.