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Everything posted by Hipshot

  1. good morning and happy Mothers Day to all of you sufferers and great supporters. ClusterMom and Kaboom in particular. The world would not be the same without you two and all the "Mums" out there. Like a wise person said...if the world was run by Mothers, there would be no more war I hope the crabs And other bottom feeders are feasting on Osama, speaking of wars. ...my Mom would say: now that wasn't nice Dan : Peace and Love
  2. That was a very nice post. Thank you very much, glad to have you join us and I appreciate the kind words. Haha..MJ that video was so great I forwarded it to my two kids. LMAO. It takes one to know one, I could really relate with the laughing bastards. Haha Dan
  3. ;D ;D ;D Thanks everyone. I guess time will tell. Good story CHF. Sorry you are a loser. Hahaha Dan
  4. Thanks, I must say I dread it in a way because I can't see it before it airs. I might come across as a total dumb ass. I will view it before I tell most people. If it's not totally embarrassing, I will tell everyone to watch it when it reruns. everyone being my friends and family and customers... I have thought of all kinds of good things I should have said and recall some things that I hope get chopped :-/ Haha. Ya never know, it might save a life, that's the way I look at it. Dan
  5. Back to the thread...sorry again for the hijack. Love u Ron
  6. I'm with you. Let's take Ron (Bonkers) to the woods with us. Maybe we can get him to squeal like a pig. ;D Dan
  7. ...and I don't think it it PTSD. It it TSD. Nothing really " post " about it, it is ongoing or my new term OTSD. Hmmm maybe past, present and future TSD. This seems to subside as the pain management treatment of choice works it's magic. Hope is probably my favorite word and very good medicine in itself Dan
  8. What a great success story to start my day Please share your story with everyone you can; including your doctors if possible. I try to do the same...as we all do. I hope you make it to Texas on your pain free world travels with your wife. I'm sure she is as delighted as you are. You have a place to stay here We all have a lot of lost time to make up. ... if my wife and I make it to Italy we would love to meet you. I too owe my life to BobW and my friends on this site. It is a shame that it seems to take years and years for anyone to learn the secret / illegal treatment with effective and long lasting life saving results. Welcome to our group and thank you very much for sharing your story with us! Dan
  9. Is the governors name Richard Cranium?
  10. Hey Ron, look up ubiquitous for me ;D Dan
  11. Hmmm, St. Thomas or Arizona? I'm thinking St. Thomas would be much more fun. Being by oneself tripping one's balls off in the desert could be a bad trip in itself :-X Dan
  12. Good find ThatHurts. If I were a younger man I would head west. Maybe
  13. I'll pick you to be on my team thebb. Excellent
  14. I would certainly contribute what I could to help with attorneys fees if someone here were to get persecuted....I mean prosecuted. I bet I'm not alone
  15. ...or evidence of our utter desperation and compassion. If I were in front of a jury "of my peers" I think at least one of them would empathise at the very least. This court is out of order...!!!!! 8-) Jury nullification would be a possibility.. Dan
  16. I would make a great high priestess ....give your money to Jesus, but send it to my address.....an old Stones tune.
  17. But the good part is tingling and I are in the same cell ;D
  18. my biggest fear of jail, other than I probably won't be in the smoking suite, is having attacks and "They" won't give me anything. They just watch me in my cell screaming and crying. ...bad nightmare Dan
  19. Hi Maddie and welcome to the board. I'm sorry I can't help you as I have CCH (only ;D) and get good relief from mushrooms and oxygen. Do you use oxygen? It is a must. Others will help you if they can...hang in there. Dan ...as far as I know Bromo or BOL isn't being tested ...period.
  20. Hey BB. It may well be a lot of shrooms but with BOL I can do the equivalent of 25 or 50 doses at one time without losing my mind. I also wouldn't miss the dread of dosing. I am grateful for my success with mushrooms but I am not content with the fact that I ( we ) have to trip for the rest of our lives. It beats the hell out of the alternative but I think we can do better. I am not a greedy person, I am determined to get it for myself ... yes; but mostly for the hardcore chronics that the shrooms and etc just dont fix! Dan
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