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Everything posted by Hipshot

  1. Ricardo, If I had taken the time and had tried my best to put the new site together, you'd be walking on the fightin' side of me. I didn't, but if I had...is all I'm saying. Nothing but love. Peace in the valley Dan
  2. I feel like I know Chris and wanted to sign up. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but trying to input the secret words required for the initial signup pissed me off after about ten tries. I guess I don't understand the purpose first off and secondly I'm a dumb ass. At least I tried. I really like this site and don't have a lot of time to contribute elsewhere anyway. Patience and moderation were never my long suit Dan
  3. Great job. You will undoubetedly hear from a lot of people. I have a good example: A guy from Tennessee called our liquor store Monday asking for Dan. I wasn't there but Lee Ann was. The guy on the phone asked for me and was told that I wasn't there. He said " is this Danielle?" TO make a long story short, this guys father is 63 and has been a sufferer for 30 years. After seeing me on NatGeo he started calling liquor stores in Texas asking to speak to Dan. I'm not sure how many stores he called...like FunGuy says, Texas is a big place. He said that his father and he work together and that his dad showed up to work wearing a hat and that he normally didn't wear hats. He was hiding a bruise or something caused from hitting his head on something during a bad attack. He asked me for help and I was able and glad to oblige. Any kid ( he's probably in his forties ) that would go to that much trouble to help his dad is a hero in my book. He said that he grew some mushrooms for his dad two years ago and after only one dose of "tea" his dad was pain free for two years. He figured he could find me faster than he could grow shrooms and I suppose he was right. I'm now curious how many liquor stores there are in Texas. I talked to his father by phone that same day and told him about oxygen and about this site. If the show did nothing else, it was worth the effort just for this guy
  4. Good idea Denny. I wouldn't miss it for a monkey on a rock 8-) I'm a blackjack expert and I have never lost
  5. Haha. I'm back to flirting with bonkers....life is good
  6. I will apologize for Bonkers. He ia a smart ass. .....bonkers, you are a smart ass 8-) I hope this shit goes away with age. The Neuro that first diagnosed me said "you may outgrow them". I think he had a straw, and I felt pressure in my ass Dan
  7. Hey Kyle, interesting article. How do you sign up for alerts? That's news to me. I'm not a smart man, but I do know what love is. ;D Dan
  8. 1. 45 2. 45 3. 9 4. Yes 5. No 6. Lithium and verapimil combo. Kept em away for nearly two years. Side effects were increasingly intolerable. Attacks began to break through after prolonged usage. 7. Using mushrooms. I also am getting relief...major relief, from occipital nerve blocks from my pain doc. 8. Frequency of attacks varied but a couple per day and one, at least one killer at 1:30am every night My chronic diagnosis took a long time to get, as is usual for us. My attacks are no longer chronic due to shrooms and ONB. I never know when or what to expect but thanks to this board I get on oxygen to abort which all in all makes life pretty decent. Way the hell better than the bad ole days Dan
  9. FeckingA I never go to the other board but I did read the thread. Fabulous I say. bb and bonkers sitting in a tree....
  10. Hipshot

    Legal fund

    I will be the treasurer I think you have a good idea bb. I hope I'm not the one to need the defense funds but someone, someday will. Dan
  11. Thanks guys. The show made that experience look worse than it was. The magic if tv. I actually fecked with the crew and laughed some.....more than usual. It was trippy looking at a big HD camera in my face tripping. Is that too many trips for one sentence....? The producer liked the fact that I don't like dosing and she slanted things that way. But I DON'T like it ;D I keep practicing and I'm getting better. I'm glad you guys are my friends. Dan
  12. Hello new guy. I'm glad to read about your success. Hang in there and prepare to take several doses to complete the mission. Please hang around and contribute. Hell, you might just save a life Growing ones own medicine is underrated 8-) Dan
  13. [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] Happy birthday
  14. Good morning purple. Take it from me...you will feel soooo much better once you get your pulse rate back up to the normal range...between 70 and 100. I know it's a bitch but it is the only way...just taper off gradually. You can take the new medicine before you are completely off the old meds. It may or may not be as effective but it certainly won't Hurt. Make sure to give the new medicine a full try. That is to say...take a dose, wait five days and take another. Repeat until the fecking pain stops. It initially took three doses for me to get complete relief. My patterns changed after the second dose so I could tell something was happening. It will also give you hope and will help with depression and attitude. I hope this helps you. I feel...we all feel your pain. Dan
  15. I too like the keys analogy. Those fecking keys... >
  16. Hey Jon I'm the dude you probably saw on NatGeo. Welcome to our lifesaving forum. I would love a drink... Dan
  17. Tanks jeebs, I just took a look at the GABA thread....interesting. Pain free now for 48 hours
  18. The YouTube clip has over 34000 views. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Njb4H1x8oSg
  19. ...and to alleyoop...I acknowledge the time you took to help me with the tea recipe. I was going to prepare it ...I had everything I needed till I got to the instant coffee. I decided to take the caps and next time I will have the coffee and try it that way. I appreciate the time you took to try to help me. Today is crisp and clear. My son liked the part of the show when I said I felt unencumbered. Not one of my usual words I suppose...it just came out. Today I feel unencumbered and I'm lovin it. 8-) Dan
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