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Everything posted by Hipshot

  1. Just pm me if you need me to give u the definitions of the big words Ron.
  2. French insanity blamed on LSD... It is a sub-story in the link you posted for us Ally. I guess too much of a good thing ... After reading this thread I think that Brew nailed it. We have all accumulated sleep debt over the weeks and months and years. I remember learning back when that one has to make up for lost sleep at some point in time. We are all still hours and hours behind but catching up rather than adding to our debt.
  3. Back to your point ThatHurts. I didn't mean to hijack your thread. I was a dead man walking. I was totally suicidal and just wished it would end. I went from that outlook to one of jubilation virtually overnight. (several weeks actually). The result of mushrooms perhaps but I think it is just the fact that death isn't in the forefront of my mind anymore. I am no longer fearful and hopeless...that is probably the bottom line for me. One has to be in the depths of despair I suppose to realize how good just being normal is. I am a positive thinking kind of guy, or I always used to be. Going from that to suicidal was a bummer for sure. I have been to the mountain top now...and I much prefer the view from here Dan
  4. I didn't realize that everyone around me knew I was stoned 8-)
  5. Hey closetCHEr ...if you gotta break your back, that's a cool way to do it ;D Dan
  6. Which brings up a point. I would be in for a thousand bucks to get just a few doses of BOL.( and to crack the door open) I believe it will work better than mushrooms for me and mushrooms work like a miracle. I just don't like the trip, but that is a small price to pay. If I'm good for a grand, I bet I'm not alone. If a thousand of us had a thousand.....hmmm Better odds on getting a million than the lottery. ...and as always, I will volunteer to handle the cash Dan
  7. Hey there closetCHer.....dig the name I have talked myself blue and probably took it too far a time or two promoting discussions on BOL. It is produced at THCPHarm in Germany. They have it available for sale on their website.* I want it bad but it seems impossible to get. I have even offered a reward for gods sake. It seems "we" can get anything in the world, legal or not, but NOT BOL. Troubling... I too like the lottery idea. If you can get it going, I'm in. I would like to be in charge of the money I'm glad to see you on the site. Dan *with strings
  8. Hipshot

    "The Beast"

    Hi there Brian. See if we can get Pink Floyd to put It to music and you will be rich. Glad to see you on the board. Dan
  9. I just did a little research. Very damn interesting...a quick google search took me to shroomery.org
  10. I mentioned the worldwide need and even mentioned that I have a friend in Norway. Glad your back Ting!
  11. Hey ting, I've been missing you. I hope you are well. ....I can't help mylelf Kaboom. I feel torn between love for you and my lust for Ron ;D
  12. ...uhhh was that off topic?
  13. I think I love you Kaboom :o :o :o
  14. they didn't have one that said "Sporty"
  15. it took an hour to watch the whole thing but it was provocative to say the least. Thanks for all the great links Shocked. You must spend a lot of time researching this stuff and I thank you for sharing it. Dan
  16. I even changed my mood for ya Ron : : :
  17. Richard, First off, welcome to our website but sorry you are suffering. I was CcH for 7 years. I too went through all the surgeries and meds. My wonderful wife and supporter said STOP when my last two options according to our Neuros were deep brain stimulation and decompression surgery. I'm not sure who said it but "clusters will not be cured with a knife". I began taking mushrooms after everything else failed. I had to do my homework and learned about the mushroom therapy being used for hundreds, if not thousands of years. I learned about the seratonin storm that our brains produce and the fact that the seratonin receptors get blocked with the psilocybin molecule. It's not hype or BS. It was my last option. I was indeed suicidal. I have lived a virtually pain free life since my third dose. I now have to "take my medicine" about every two months in order to keep the attacks at bay. The 6 to 8 hour trip is an investment that may well change (or save) your life. You mentioned o2. Do you use a nonrebreather mask? The mushrooms and oxygen have literally saved my life. I can go and do as I used to. I no longer live in terror. We will help you in any way we can. You are obviously well educated. I am an expert on clusters. We all are. Read, read,read. Send me a PM if you want to. You can call on me anytime. 325-518-9046. Since I found the secret I have made it my mission to pay it forward for the folks that saved me. Dan
  18. I would really appreciate having other sufferers being shown so I don't appear to be the only one. :'(There are thousands of us. Many thousands worldwide. That needs to be highlighted. The best way for you to help me is to shoot a quick video of your attack and send it to BobW. Thanks in advance. It is for a very good cause and ...like the producer told me:" a picture is worth a thousand words" Dan
  19. I have a mouth full of the old fillings and have wondered the same.
  20. If alcohol is a trigger for you, you WILL know it. Not to be a downer or anything but verapimil will slowly suck the life out of you. It works well for most people for a time. For me it worked well for nearly two years. I am chronic. By the end Of two years I felt like I was in a 90year old body. Bad bad bad. I found mushrooms after trying everything else over a 7year period. The mushrooms take all of my pain away for extended periods of time. Oxygen takes care of me otherwise. I highly recommend that if possible you try mushrooms. you never know if alternatives work unless you try it. Just my opinion. Glad to have you join us on the board. Dan
  21. Hy Ricardo. I am sorry that you got treated poorly. I don't know much about it but I will apologize for whoever mistreated you. I have been guilty (only once, and never again) of typing before I thought it through. I guess it happens; but it shouldn't. Welcome back. I am an A hole too. ;D you and I will be partners. You watch my back and I will watch yours. As far as I know...that's the way it is for all of us. United we stand, divided we fall. Dan
  22. What a hell of a trip the last three days have been. We have had the most incredible guests with us since Thursday night. We finished shooting our portion of the National Geographic documentary a few hours ago. Lisa was the producer, she flew here from Peru but lives in London. The poor girl was sick most of the time they were here...and exhausted from travel. The director was a hoot. Ben is 33 years old and comes across even younger. He would be a fantastic therapist if he were to decide to change occupations. The sound guy was a "Bloke" named Dave. He is an Aussie and kept calling me a bloke and said that that was a good thing. ?? The amazing videographer was named Steve. Steve and Ben also live in London. They are all freelance pros and have been awarded a deal to make a documentary on the benefits of psychedelics. They are all flying out tomorrow morning and I must say I will miss the hell out of them. They were all young(ish) and very personable. They actually enjoyed themselves while they were here...ya can't fake that. Thursday night we went out for dinner and talked about what was to be done and what we were trying to accomplish Friday morning they came to our home at 10am. They sat me down and with Ben's direction I was interviewed and I was nervous as a whore in church. That is one BIG camera! All of my shirts are Polo it seems. The ones that aren't have some kind of liquor name or etc on them and couldn't be worn. It is 90 degrees so hot long sleeves are out. Stripes and ect are not cool either come to find out. So the answer to the big question....I wore an old shirt, blue in color.My daughter Danielle was here from TTech and was supportive and was also interviewed yesterday. Lee Ann couldn't dodge them and was interviewed today. They filmed my garden of mushrooms, the timing was good in that respect. It is good they put this deal off a time or three. They filmed me crushing and capping up my medicine and showed me taking it at 5:30. BIG BALLS IN COW TOWN They kept the camera and interview going till I was laughing my ass off at them. They asked me if it was cool to follow me around while tripping and I said OK but I will let you know when it is NOT COOL. When things got going pretty good I went to my bedroom and laid down on my stomach...face down. (trippin pretty good now) When they all got in my room I quickly turned over and with my voice elevated said " WHAT THE FU** ARE YOU DOING IN HERE...WHO THE HELL ARE YOU.?" Scared the crap out of all of them. Everyone except Lee Ann; she knows me. We all had a great laugh and they came down from the ceiling and continued to do their respective jobs. They finally left me alone but a small camera was in the corner, always running. I thought about getting naked but didn't. I laid there smiling, trying not to laugh at the thought. This was my most pleasurable dose ever. I did puke but it wasn't bad...just part of the program. It helped having them around. As unbelievable as that might sound, they were good medicine in themselves. Today we went to my fishing hole. They showed Danielle and I fishing and enjoying life. They interviewed me there also and I was more relaxed and at ease with the camera. Not at ease, just more at ease. Later they filmed me driving using two vehicles. I was also interviewed driving with them in the truck. I talked about how I couldn't make it the ten miles to my store without having to stop and hit the 02 from time to time. They interviewed me in my liquor store and we talked about what a hell of a situation we have with liquor and cigarettes legal and "drugs" will land you in prison. I am a Libertarian I think. I don't believe it's anyone's business what I do so long as I don't interfere with anyone else's personal rights. No one owns me. "Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins". All of this time will be cut down to between 8 and 16 minutes. They think it will air in about nine months. Ben and Lisa came here via the jungles in Peru where they documented the natives using hallucinogens. I know Ben is leaving here to a lady's home in Switzerland. She is dying from cancer and taking LSD to help her in her death. We are going to dinner with the gang tonight.\ Today I have had a little shadowing but I am not scared. I hope to get two months pain free time. I mentioned ClusterBusters as many times as I could. I would like to have mentioned each one of my friends names here ... I was thinking about you all and felt like you were all right here with us. You were in a way. I am running behind and must bail out. I will think of more and hop on tomorrow when they are gone. We will miss them. It was an experience that we will never forget. It went as well as I could have hoped. They were all Pros and their confidence was contagious. Dan
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