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Everything posted by davidj

  1. Sorry to hear that M9, I think the post dose hits or the ones while getting toward new dose day are the worst. For me day 1 after dose and day 4 to 5 right before I could dose again was where I would get slammed. Started getting better after dose 3 and then better and better. Hang in there and keep fighting. David
  2. No naps for me as well, if I can pass the nap test I know i am in remission . 3o is okay on RC seeds (I have done as many as 60 plus) but not HBWR, they are much stronger. I believe the recommended first dose of those is around 6 but please confirm that with someone who has used them. Good luck on the next dose, I look forward to seeing the results. Jay, Smoking hot up here as well, golfing tomorrow, I usually walk but I think I will have to do a cart.
  3. Love the attitude. When he is ready shoot me a PM, I have been busting with both RC and shrooms. David
  4. M9, please do not make the same mistake I did, after my 5th or so dose I went 2 weeks PF and I passed the beer/wine test and introduced alcohol back into my life. My PF time ended shortly after that and I have had to continue to dose to get myself back to where I was. All I am saying is wait as long as you can to reintroduce beer etc, I believe it can prolong a cycle or interfere with a bust. I am all for a drink once in awhile believe me, but my 2 cents says wait for a bit. For full disclosure I tested myself again the other night and passed but I am still not going to have anymore for a few weeks. David
  5. I went on a little 3 hour boat cruise networking event on Wednesday and I brought a D tank on board with me to be on the safe side (been PF for a week or so). I think I finally have my answer down when I was asked what the heck that was about...." I suffer from a painful neurological disorder called cluster syndrome, it can be very painful and debilitating but pure oxygen can relieve an attack in minutes". Not one person that asked me about the 02 tank (and there were about 10) tried to give me a cure, I think because I did not use the work "headache". If anyone wanted more info I told them this syndrome attacked the nerves in my face. David ;D ;D ;D David
  6. Whenever it start doing something out of the ordinary after a dose it usually means it is fighting back, that is actually a very good sign Though mine didn't completely switch over I did start getting sharp pain on my other side that came quite often but didn't last but a few seconds. Good luck. David
  7. Trust him on this, that is the standard minimum between doses. Post dose hits are very common and it sounds like you are getting plenty of those. David
  8. Another one of those i NEVERTHOUGHT I WOULD SAY THIS LINE,... Never barfed through my hell, I vote for the meds
  9. First laugh in days, thanks Donnie and Bob W.
  10. Good starting dose, use lemon and I like to chew up the little babies real good after they sit in the tea for a bit. By the way I vote for Floyd, Meddle maybe?
  11. Hi and Welcome, Read as many posts as you can on the shrooms, they will help you dose correctly and also how often. If you run out of fungi look into RC seeds and hBWR seeds, not sure how available in the UK maybe some of out friends over there can chime in (we can buy them on line here). Most of the time you will need multiple doses to start breaking your cycle, I have done 8 already, some seeds and some fungi and my hits and pain levels are way down. Also your 02 will become more effective. Ask lots of questions, as you know from your lurking there is a lot of help here. Good Luck, David
  12. There is help here in many forms, talk to Jay about 02, he can help. Read the posts about Alt therapy, ask questions. There are those of us here who get 8 to 10 a day for a year plus at a time and we have mangaed to either break the cycle or reduce it by 90 plus %. Please don't despair, there is help here. David
  13. Spoke too soon on Stenson LOl, just bogeyed back to back. How about a CH open in the fall somewhere warm, we seem to have plenty of golfers. Maybe we can get a pharmaceutical and oxygen company to sponsor
  14. Stenson having the round of his life!
  15. davidj


    Go for it brother!
  16. Thanks so much shaggy that is a very generous offer, if I can use my miles for a flight and figure out how I am going to deal without 02 for 6 plus hours I can afford the room (especially since I can't drink, that will save me a bundle) I am going to deal with american airlines on Friday when I get back from a short business trip (driving Thank God). David
  17. lucidity- Couldn't agree more, there was a discussion about triggers a month or so ago and I said when I am in cycle breathing is a trigger. We are always looking for reasons and a lot of times you get hit because you were going to get hit no matter what you ate, drank, smelled, or did.
  18. Like I said, couldn't remeber the exact use of it just that maybe there is more to Mattys love of the spicey kitchen, maybe his body knows it is good for his head
  19. davidj


    That means Mets get game 7 at Citi Field Glad to hear the beast is staying away!!!
  20. Matty, Some people use spice as an abortive, I think capsisan or something like that
  21. Jay, Highlight the portion you want to quote then hit mark and quote, that does the trick for me.
  22. Love the play on words LMAO. Carole, It will be all good, and like you said there is more to be afraid of in the 8-10K multiple times a day attacks then RC seeds. Yury66, I too have purchased from pychoactiveherbs.com as well as IAMASHAMAN.com. Both provided fast cheap service with viable product. Welcome to the last and first place you want to be. David
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