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Everything posted by davidj
Big keys for me as well. :)
Major big hug from New York :'( :'(
I have switched from Red Bull to a new nrg drink called Celcius, no sugar no aspartame naturally flavored and full of taurine and caffeine and comes in a non carbonated green tea version (better for chugging). So far I have only found it being sold at Hannafords grocery store.
To AOs post (good one by the way AO) his reaction to anesthesia was immediate, mine was late that night through the next few days till my second dose after the procedure. He is absolutely right, the only consistency I see among CHers and busting is the inconsistency, everyone is so different.
Good news veggie, unfortunately for me the anesthesia ruined my bust (not sure if same kind, I had a colonoscopy) and I had to start my bust over. If you (god forbid) start getting hit again and want to look into seeds www.pyschoactiveherbs.com has RC seeds in stock. Hoping you stay pain free. David
David, You don't mention oxygen, have you tried that as an abortive before and can you get a prescription for it?
If we don't laugh about it all we have left is crying and I am done with that!!
I already wrote the words AAAAAARRRRGGHHHHH Fu%%$$***k this hurts !!!!!! (one of many noises I make at 8k and above), maybe he can put that to music LOL.
LMAO, Thanks for the yucks tonight
I am all for whatever we need to do to get some relief whether traditional meds or alternatives so I am thrilled to hear to hear the zomig is giving him a break and a chance to re-energize. While I like MJ's idea and may try myself I think I would go with a traditional 30 seed beginning dose to start and see how he reacts. I also have felt that the seeds are more effective for me than shrooms, but hard to say since we all react differently to different things and we are all experimenting on ourselves. My prayers are with you both and you truly are an Angel. David
Hi Angel, Sorry to read the last post, any improvement yet?
Angel, I alternate between seeds and shrooms and honestly I think for me at least the seeds have been more effective. My first bust took 9 doses before any significant PF time and this bust I am up to 6 or 7 doses with only a day or two of PF time. For some the busts are harder than others but keep at it, give the seeds a go and take it from there. Good luck and PF prayers to your husband.
Glad to hear :)
CC, Depending on tolerance 25 to 30 seeds is a good start. You must be completely clean of all prescription meds i.e. imitrex, verapamil, steroids etc, for at least 5 days before staring the bust. you grind up the seed using either a pestle and mortar or pepper mill (there are other methods) just don't use anything that creates heat, it is bad for the LSA. You grind the seeds into as fine a powder as you can then soak in 4oz of liquid for at least two hours in the fridge stirring occasionally, some people use water and lemon juice, water and white wine, orange juice etc. I always add a little warm water before drinking to warm it up a bit (stomach accepts warm things better). After soaking drink up, some people strain the sludge out while other drink it all and even add a little water to the remains in the glass and drink that. Be prepared for post dose hits, have plenty of 02 and energy drinks on hand. Also read "RC seeds my story" by agent Orange, as well as "my experiment begins" by yours truly. These will show you increases in dose amounts, frequency of dosing etc. Good luck, David
Thanks, great video.
Just joined and sent out my first invitations, thanks Bobb
Hi John and welcome, nice to see someone else wearing a hat in their picture. David
Angel, Since my combo on Tuesday I too have been alternating every other day between good day and then a bad day with the worst of it coming at night (not normal for me). I am not really sure what to make of it since this was my first combo try. I had a good day today so I am putting off my scheduled dose from tonight to maybe tomorrow but I think I am going to go straight (kinda of funny) dose with just seeds and then magic only on the next one. I hope your husband gets a couple of good ones in a row
Keep it up, I am very happy that your PF time is continuing. David
Mark, Try www.psychoactiveherbs.com. Rivea Corymbosa Seeds Start reading all of the threads on RC Seeds that you can under Busting Stories and Theory and Implementation, you will learn dosage, grinding methods, extraction techniques, detox rules, and time between doses. Good luck and keep in touch. David
30!!!!! I have shoes that old LOL. Happy Birthday my friend, I hope you have a great one. :) :) David
www.psychoactiveherb.com I have checked the web site and they still have them. David
Thanks Bob, after talking to some of these folks on the phone since the spring it is great to finally put some faces withe the names. I can't wait for Chicago, I will be there by hook or by crook. David
Tingeling, I would follow Chad's instructions to the letter, he is the one who got me started and walked me through (with the help of others) my first bust using RC seeds and I experienced it just like he wrote including the next days hits. Good luck I am very interested to hear of your experience with them. David