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Everything posted by Mad6string

  1. A little piece of info that I found works great for the non-rebreather mask. The bag that comes attached to the bottom of the mask is too small. If some might notice, when you're in the middle of a difficult hit and you're sucking o2 like crazy, you tend to run the bag dry, even if you have your regulator wide open. You can replace that bag with a bigger one. All you have to do is pull the old one off, get a one gallon sandwich bag or a bag of your choice and replace it. I used the bag that my news paper comes in. You can attach it using a rubber band to hold it on. The result is more capacity for o2. You can take deeper breaths for as long as you need to. Be sure to let the bag fill before you start huffing. Also be sure that your bag is really held on tight by the rubber band. That way it doesn't blow off when it gets full. Aborts come alot quicker if you take as deep of breaths as you can. These bags allow you to do that. Works like a charm. Mad6string
  2. I think CArl might be right. The mushrooms have a better result record than seeds. LSD has an even better track record but it's pretty hard to find unless you know where to get it. I believe your son will probably benefit greatly from it. Mad6string
  3. P.S. No major hits in all this time!!! :) :)
  4. Yes, I've been busting for over a year now. I use the mushies and acid if I can find it. I am in the process of growing a garden which is doing very well. I know you are on the brink of insanity trying to detox. You will get through this, Jay. If all is done right, it will work like a charm. Mad6string
  5. Mad6string


    I would but the wife would kill me.
  6. Mad6string


    I'll sell it to ya' for the low, low price of free today and today only. 8-)
  7. Mad6string


    You can borrow it but, I'm laying claim to it. ;D
  8. Looks just like me. Mine range from 45 mins to 1.5 hours though.
  9. Mad6string


    Great news Birdman!!! You're on your way now! Back to the good life. Easy, peezy, lemon squeezy!!
  10. Just do what you feel good with. I think it's worth a try. If it doesn't work, you're no worse for the wear, right.
  11. Does it have to be exact? I've been dealing with this since age 4 and no records till age 27 when I found out that I was supposed to be keeping them. I really didn't want to try and remember all those hits, makes me a little depressed. I dealt with this shit for all those years when the cure was in the poop next door. (cows next to our house)
  12. Mad6string


    Sounds like great news to me. I think the dose we discussed is doing the trick. The neck pain going away is always a sure sign for me that the beast is on his way out the door. I have a really good hunch you are in for some much needed PF time. How is the sleep going? Getting better? A good nights sleep does wonder for a body too. Mad6string :)
  13. I've always thought mine came from a bad injury at the age of 3. We lived in Pa and our back yard was bordering East High parking lot which was about 8 feet down. There was no fence and I was out there playing with my toy trucks and fell off. I landed right on my head and was knocked unconscious. At the age of 4 I started getting these really bad headaches that nobody could find the answer for. I am positive that was my first cluster cycle and my injury was the cause. I don't know what it fudged up in there but, my mother blames the doctors for not treating me correctly. I don't know if they could've done anything different to prevent this outcome. :-/
  14. Most of my friends have seem me in the worst of cycles. They say " damn dude, that's intense." Then they ask what I've done to stop them for so long. When I tell them I started eating acid and shrooms they're like " no seriously, what did you do? I don't try to elaborate anymore. I simply tell them I stared a new medicine that works super good. I had a friend tell me that he thought he had one of "my headaches" once...I just wanted to hit him. I was like, man, you really have no f-ing clue.Â
  15. Melatonin comes in pill form. Most take it to help them get a good nights sleep. Your body makes it naturally. It's the chemical that makes you sleepy. Turkey has it in it. That's why you get sleepy when you eat a bunch of it.
  16. Mad6string


    I think that knowing you are not alone in this is always a comfort. Knowing that you have REAL help is even better. You can also rest assured that we are all always here for a helping hand. Remember, we all fight in the same war and you are on the winning side. We are and army of love and peace, fighting for each other. There is no rank. We are all the same. Soldiers against the pain. Mad6string
  17. Mad6string


    You need to talk with you doctor as soon as possible. You have to taper off all these medicines, I would think. I know for a fact you have to with pred. That's why they prescribe you a prednizone TAPER!! You can't just stop taking it. It will fudge you up! Sorry to be so blunt. Mad6string
  18. Mad6string


    Sounds like adrenal shock to me. Pred. suppresses the adrenal glands, that's why the doctors have you taper off it. It gives your glands a chance to start producing again. You might have to start on it again and taper off it the right way. You can't just stop taking that stuff. Your body will freak out. That's what's happening to you. You are on all these meds and they all have an adverse affect on your body. So, when you just stop, your body has to figure out what happened to all the man made chemicals that took place of the ones it normally makes on it's own and adjust accordingly. You now have a chemical deficiency. Dopamine and adrenaline do a lot of things. If your body is not releasing them at the right amount, you feel like shit. Hence the shadows and cluster hits. Mad6string
  19. Mad6string


    Right now your body is going through a shock state. Your probably going to have to ride it out. The pred will do that. Did you taper off it? If not, you could be going into adrenal shock. If you start going into DT's, get to the hospital! If I was a betting man, I would guess that the pred just made your cycle that much worse. It's bad shit dude. It always ends the same. I've seen it over and over and over. You might want to go to the ER just in case. Mad6string :-/
  20. Mad6string


    Great, Thanks man. Now I've got the fishing bug. The real task is convincing the wife that it's absolutely imperative that I go! Easier said than done. :'(
  21. Bob, you can always count on us. I think we would all give a finger or two to make this go away. Speaking for the wife and I, we will give all we can. ( As I am a Mechanic, can we not take all the fingers? Makes it kind of hard to do my job.)Â ;D Mad6string
  22. o2 and alt's are a clusterheads best friends. I can't stress enough the fact that o2 is the fastest and safest abortive. Get the oxygen. Get it, get it, get it.
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