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Everything posted by ThatHurtsMyHead

  1. Yep, embedded remote HTML is disabled by default in the message board software. It reduces the likelihood of viruses. When you post HTML there will be a message that pops up below it to embed as a link instead. That should work fine. J
  2. MG, Sending you some good vibes from across the pond. J
  3. Elrik138, Does your mast have a bag on it below where the oxygen tube comes in? Please post a picture and we'll make sure you're using the right stuff. Also, on the regulator that's a pretty standard 15 LPM regulator. You can buy a 25 LPM off amazon for pretty cheap. PFW, J
  4. CHMom, I Second CHFathers post. I believe all home concentrators max out at 8 liters per minute (which is pretty useless for most of us). For most people 15 LPM is the minimum to abort and 25 works best. The only way to get high flow is to use O2 tanks. I find using 25 LPM for the first 10 mins or so till the ramp up in pain sorta levels off. Then I cut it down to 15 LPM till the pain stops. Then I drop it to 10 LPM and breathe normally for 5 to 10 minutes post attack. The extra time at the end of the attack reduces the likelihood that I get another attack back to back. PFW, J
  5. Another warning.. I would strongly recommend NOT using poly tubing with the 50 psi regulator port. It might not explode right away, but I'll BET it will eventually. Polly tubing is not rated for 50 psi. J
  6. This PDF is pretty self explanatory of the dangers... DON'T_MIX_OXYGEN_AND_OIL.pdf
  7. ***Warning*** ok, trying to make sure someone doesn't kill themselves here. Oxygen under pressure in the presence of hydrocarbons WILL EXPLODE. That is a simple fact of chemistry. I appreciate dlnmerced's opinion and advice, but do NOT use SCUBA regulators or equipment with 100% O2 unless they are O2 certified by the manufacturer AND O2 clean by a SCUBA shop. There are reasons some doctors are reluctant to prescribe Oxygen. Oxygen and hydrocarbons under pressure will explode. It's great dlnmerced has been lucky to date, but having a regulator explode in your face is not something anyone wants. If you follow his advice, make sure your regulator and hoses are properly certified for 100% O2. Any questions, feel free to speak to your Oxygen supplier or SCUBA shop will voice the same warning. J
  8. Freud's post is spot on. If I recall correctly mm's toxicity is lower than eating bbq pork. ha ha... I myself have taken regular doses of lsa, mm and another hallucinogen for nearly 10 years and have zero health or other negative effects. To the contrary, I find I get a mood lift that lasts for months after my regular doses. J
  9. Word of caution. If you're going to try to use a SCUBA 2nd stage regulator. First make sure it's rated for 100% O2 by the manufacturer. Most are not and are manufactured with rubber O rings and pressure valves that are not O2 compatible. They are also mostly lubricated with hydrocarbons that can spontaneously combust if exposed to 100% O2. Once you verify that a manufacturer's regulator is O2 ready you should make sure it's O2 "Clean". Most any SCUBA shop can O2 clean a regulator for you for a few bucks. I normally dive mixed gases and O2 clean gear is a must to prevent your gear from catching fire or malfunctioning. Hydrocarbons can spontaneously combust in pressurized pure oxygen. I don't mean to scare anyone, but using pressurized O2 should only be done with O2 certified and cleaned equipment. J
  10. Ok, I'm so excited I have to tell someone about this.... A company spammed the message board yesterday. I sorta got ticked off as It wasn't your regular viagra, trojan virus etc type of garbage. This looked like a legitimate company embarking on a very deceitful tactic of spamming message boards. Sooooooo.. I decided to play with them.. They had (yea had, as in past tense) an interactive help desk chat on their website. I got on their chat (a LOT of times) and just harassed them with garbage, and telling them to stop spamming message boards, but was a general pain in the A$$ off and on for a few hours.. I also started spamming their online email with requests to... Yep you guessed it, to stop spamming message boards... I was considering writing a macro that would spam them night and day (just to give them a taste of their own medicine. This morning I thought I'd go out and ping them another message... Guess what.. They have their email and web chat turned off now.. ha ha..... They might have blocked my IP, but I sorta doubt it, as their website is NOT very secure, says they don't know much about web stuff. These are the guys if you're interested: https://www.fieldengineer.com/contact-us-form Funny, that I feel so good about giving them some of their own medicine back... J
  11. BrainOnFire, A shadow is usually what we call a very small hit, or often it's just a bad feeling. It could be your head doesn't feel right, you feel off almost like you're having a CH attack, but there's no pain. There's lots of ways people describe it, but it's basically any bad feeling we have related to (or caused by) our CH short of a full blown attack. J
  12. Rodgjf, Sadly we can get shadows at about anytime. I can get them between cycles, after a cycle or more commonly a few weeks up to two months before a cycle starts. I'd keep at the ready just incase a cycle might flare back up. J
  13. Madam, I'd postulate that if you can get off the opiates long enough to detox, then the MM might (might) help you stay off the opiates. Just a thought. J
  14. Madam, I'm not sure what interaction there is between Tramadol and mm, but... MM is 100% non addictive. Actually it's just the opposite. There were several studies in the 60's before mm was scheduled here in the US on their use as an addiction reversal. Studies for smoking, alcohol, heroin and other addictions were done and from what I've read they were all massively successful in helping people kick addictive substances. I notice quite profoundly that after I dose with mm, I have no desire to drink for quite some time. MM has zero physical addictive qualities as the experience isn't a high like opiates etc. If you're sober, I definitely can appreciate and am glad for your sobriety. On the other hand mm has the possibility of helping you in not just one, but two ways. Funny, I just did a Google Scholar search. Over 4,800 articles came up in reference to using psilocybin to treat alcohol addiction. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=psilocybin+and+alcoholism+treatment&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart PFW, J
  15. Oh funny.. Ignore my links below. The Amazon link FunTimes posted above is by far much much better! J Ebay is also a great place to get regulators. At a minimum I'd get a 15 liter per minute, or the best regulators will go up to 25 lpm. It's very likely the oxygen company will only stock 8 lpm regulators (I've had this issue with every O2 company I've dealt with over the years). For the most part 8 lpm doesn't do anything for our CH. Buying your own is cheap and you'll never be without it! 25 liter per minute - https://www.ebay.com/itm/medical-oxygen-regulator/323535378941?hash=item4b543619fd:g:Kb4AAOSwRxJb4H1E:rk:22:pf:0 15 lpm - https://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-Drive-Medical-Oxygen-Tank-Regulator-Model-18301GM-0-15-LPM-Barb-Outlet/352326271208?epid=2254403594&hash=item52084840e8:g:UvoAAOSwCZ5VfLl3:rk:9:pf:0 Cheers, J
  16. Vanessa, I second / third etc.. The above comments about your doctor. Get a new one... Any doctor that isn't smart enough to READ in the AMA etc documentation that 100 percent high flow O2 is the #1 abortive... Well he's just an idiot, and shouldn't be practicing medicine. PFW, J
  17. Amy, Imitrex and Verapamil did some terrible stuff to me many years ago. I'll never touch that stuff again. One of them (most likely the Verapamil) gave me PVC's (Premature Ventricle Contractions). It's a type of heart palpitation that's scary as $%&#. I didn't read anything in your post about energy drinks. Most of us are avid energy drink users when getting visits by the beast. Anytime I feel an attack coming on, I slam half a can of Monster or other energy drink that has caffeine and Taurine in it. Then immediately get on the O2. For some reason the combination of the caffeine and taurine helps the O2 work much better. I do the same for any night attacks. Never had an issue falling asleep after an attack no matter how much energy drink I had. If you ever get to the point of busting, I'm confident you'd never look back. Myself and thousands of others now have found busting to work better than anything the doc ever prescribed. Most of us are able to stay pain free by taking single doses at the time our CH is going to start. Cheers, J
  18. Looks like Bob got it fixed. Post if anyone is still experiencing SSL errors. Cheers, J
  19. Everyone, Sorry for the issues. Bob is getting it looked at. The cert isn't updating for some reason. I'll keep updates posted here (for those that can get in). J
  20. I'm not sure which browsers are experiencing what I am, so I must apologize first for any issues. Our SSL certificate for clusterbusters.org seems to have expired. It is making navigating the board VERY challenging. I've reached out to Bob to see if he can get the person that updates the certs to see what's wrong. Please be patient. We'll get it resolved as quickly as we can. PFW, J
  21. CHF, Thanks for the correction. I corrected my post. You're spot on. J
  22. Cheryl, Yep Pred tapers work great, but the problem is our bodies can't stay on Pred due to the wake of destruction it does to us. If you're still in cycle, once you come off the pred, sadly the CH comes back. Normally Pred isn't used alone due to CH returning after the dose pack is done. It's often prescribed with verapamil to temporarily stop our CH while the verapamil builds up in your system. (for those that verapamil works) J
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