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I am going to quote myself from a different post... Oxygen Administration: When I first got the optimask I switched to using just the mouth piece. I was happy to finally have all the O2 I wanted (bigger bag). While out of town I noticed I was blowing through more O2 than usual and getting slow results. I remembered how I used to think the negative pressure created in my sinuses by using the mask and sucking through both nose and mouth seemed to “pull” the pain out. Even the gentle tug created by the bag running dry was soothing. When I got home I put on the mask and found that the resistance or “pull” was greater with the optimask and it felt perfect, however the pressure from the resistance when exhaling through the mask was to great… going in the wrong direction. I think this is why I chose the mouth piece when I first got it. I began using the mask to inhale, removing it to exhale. The result was faster aborts with less O2. This may be a personal thing, but it made a difference to me. I got to have that soothing sinus cavity suckage!
To all without oxygen... I have a great deal of sorrow in my heart reading about people without this life-changing treatment. I have been with the beast 38 years, and I spent the first 8 years without it. I can't even imagine doing that now. I start to get panic attacks when I run out, because I know it will mean long painful attacks. I also have nothing but frustration for those who ignore our advise to make it their first priority. We are brought up thinking we have to let doctors decide what is best for us. That for the most part is true, unless you have a very rare condition that most doctors have no clue about, and are usually reading outdated material to find out how to treat you. You must see a headache specailist neurologist for correct diagnosis and treatment. But oxygen is oxygen, you breathe it everyday, and it is the safest treatment we have bar none. So do yourself a favor and listen to those who do have a clue. Read the oxygen files carefully, and make it your first priority, no matter how you have to get it. http://morrobayphotos.com/ch/4step/
How much Fresh Argentine Cubensis needed for CH
diamondmaker replied to Austin's topic in General Board
What is your oxygen set-up like... as in how many liters per minute, and what type of mask. If you have done your research then sorry for asking... but you will definately improve your results if you have a demand valve system or one of these... http://www.clusterheadaches.com/ccp8/index.php?app=ecom&ns=prodshow&ref=o2ptimask For use with a mask, the regulator should put out at least 15lpm, 25lpm preferred. As for the mushrooms... they are about 90% water, so 1.5 grams dried is equal to 15 grams fresh. -
Actually I just read an add for one that said the DISS valves self seal... just trying to cover all the bases.
This one does both: http://www.amazon.com/REGULATOR-Closeout-Compare-SuperFast-Shipping-really/dp/B004SBSMYI/ref=sr_1_57?ie=UTF8&qid=1379973336&sr=8-57&keywords=oxygen+regulators+medical This one only does the demand valve: http://www.amazon.com/Oxygen-Pressure-Regulator-Medical-Valves/dp/B006O8MBAO/ref=sr_1_50?ie=UTF8&qid=1379973464&sr=8-50&keywords=oxygen+regulators+medical You will need caps to plug any unused high pressure DISS connectors if it doesn't come with any. (again easy to find).
Just a regulator with a DISS valve. Edit: To clarify, regulators reduce the 2500-3000psi down to a usable... say 200psi. When you turn the knob it restricts that 200 psi to the flow you want. The DISS connection should not be governed by the knob... it should deliver the full 200psi directly.
I could not find specs on flow rates but... cutting torches depend on a high pressure "jet" of oxygen to blow the melted metal out of the cut (you pull a leaver to blow the O2)... It is quite a bit of gas. Others can chime in here, but I doubt you could keep up with it on full out settings.
It does say you might have to add one, most do not come with one, then some do. Sure looks like this one does... http://www.harborfreight.com/oxygen-regulator-94846.html If not these are readily available at amazon for under $3, and I have seen them at hardware stores... http://www.amazon.com/Dixon-OA61-Oxygen-Fitting-Coupler/dp/B007D5KS2A/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1379935436&sr=8-3&keywords=oxygen+barbed+fitting
Maybe this has been around before... got it off the sister site... love it! http://morrobayphotos.com/ch/4step/
[smiley=thumbsup.gif] true indeed Jeebs.
They certainly look well used... I found some specs, they are 40 lpm output and retail for over $250.
Doesn't really sound like CH to me. CH usually is one sided and the major pain stays basically behind one eye, with same side nostril plugging and the eye on same side tearing and eyelid "drooping". You need to see a good neurologist.
Hope you have one of these... a must if you don't have a demand valve system... ClusterO2 Kit The 3 liter bag makes a big difference, a good mask! They are currently on sale for $21.50 here... http://www.clusterheadaches.com/ccp8/index.php?app=ecom&ns=prodshow&ref=o2ptimask
I agree with the direction this is taking... I never really thought the KIP scale was all that accurate in describing what I go through. At 7-8 I am playing vacuum cleaner with my face on the carpet, drooling, pounding fists, banging head and screaming/moaning/mumbling incoherent things. A 3 is where I start to panic reaching for aborts, shaking and DEFINATELY NO LAYING DOWN TO SLEEP! I think it is the lower numbers that need the most work. The latest draft here, with added comparison injuries/pains... and no mention of headache is right on the money for me so far. On the sister site be ready for a whole load of crap though, as "Kip" was an honored and valued contributor to our cause, his scale remains in his honor, and many may not like the idea of screwing with it. But in my opinion we would be doing him more dishonor if we could improve it and didn't.
For us that can not be there in Chicago
diamondmaker replied to ClusterHeadSurvivor's topic in General Board
Sorry I also won't make it... I would like transcripts or video of any presentations, especially BHD. BOL is still a long way off I realize. But I am consumed by the phenomenon I refer to as CTSD. Take PTSD which is centralized on an single traumatic event, translate that to the 38 years of tourture I have in my Bag O' Crap, that is on going, and treat that! Like walking into the Hanoi Hilton and telling the prisoners "We can't get you out of here... but we would like to try and treat you for your PTSD, have some drugs! :-[ Edit: I had a neuro try to cheer me up by implying that many patients out grow their clusters... Saying "I have old patients, and I have patients with clusters, but I don't have any old cluster patients". My reply was "Is that because they are all dead?". He was not amused. -
Thank you. I don't know how many outside our realm take this seriously. I feel like that guy walking the tight wire across the grand canyon... sometimes in balance feeling confident, while the next minuite struggling with even the breeze of a passing dragon fly sending me over the edge. Only this board and the beautiful soals here embracing the truth keep those dragon flys away. Not to be sexist, but the women here provide special insight into suffering. Too many to name, but they seem to expect getting worn thin, while still seeing strength and beauty. While we males (me) expect to power through it, and when we fail we crash hard. It is refreshing to hear their struggles and strengths.
Ya I'd say you pissed him off... good for you (good sign). Bust every 5 days and watch those other meds(the playing well together thing, and look at the "Shutting the door" post as well). https://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290130968 I am chronic and need to bust at least once a month, sometimes once a week. For episodics I have seen them go on for 5 busts or more to put the beast back in his cage. Pre-Busting (If your episodes are somewhat predictable) are effective in getting him in the cage sooner... or bypassing the episode completely. Keep up the good fight! P.S. Look into growing your own fungus.
I respect anyone's decisions concerning their life and use of drugs. My question to you is about results? When did you have your surgery and how it is working? What little research I have found suggests it doesn't always?
Just a question about your oxygen... do you have tanks or a concentrator? Reason I ask is O2 comes out of tanks very cold! You might have the wrong set up. the usual is 1. Pure O2 in tanks 2. a regulator that delivers 25 liters per minute. 3. A NON_Rebreather mask. (Bag and no holes). Most of us use the Cluster O2 Kit - mask found here: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/ccp8/index.php?app=ecom&ns=prodshow&ref=o2ptimask Fine tuning your oxygen set up usually brings better relief.
George Strombolopolous and Lisa Kudrow Tonight 11p
diamondmaker replied to ClusterHeadSurvivor's topic in General Board
Pops Kudrow was the first to publish on oxygen(got them himself). My neuro was doing his homework and pushed it my way NONE TOO SOON! 1982. I give a whole thumbs up to the whole fam damily. 8-) -
Seriously, all it takes is one person, evangalistic type, who is going to save all us sinners from our ways by burning us at the stake! I know they are all still out there, but after HIPSHOT's NG appearance I have worried less, and wonder (rather count on) the many doctors and papers we now have at our resources to convince a judge it is not worth his time (considering you are not promoting it for recreational use, only serious medical use... and please don't try to sell your medicine... you need it, they don't). It is now about crossing lines I believe. Don't cross them!
I propose we put up adds for dog and cat food! Everyone knows all clusterheads have one or the other. Now train your dog to bark (click the add) everytime we log in and they will think they have hit a gold mine $$$$$$$ coming our way! And the adds for migraine??? What kind of dogs do they think we are anyway?
All the off shoots of LSD research should be taken seriously.... the question becomes for us , is it really what they claim it is? I think for most of us, we grow our own cubensis just so we know what we have and can easily get a handle on dosage... batch by batch (safety and reliability). If you are talking about a standardized reliable product that can be leagally obtained... I am sure we would be all ears. As for all the 2C-XXX bla bla bla, this to me is just fine targeting for those seeking another target (getting high or skirting legality). I would love to go through each of them to see which works better or not... might help answer questions about what it is we need to target ourselves. Until I can get reliable leagal sources for all of them, I will simply be content being a farmer. Thats my 2 cents.
I have been traveling down the same path researching everything... We are at best a cocktail of the primordial soup. It is a balancing act. We are only a minute % away chemically from being savages or gods. It is as complicated as the polluting of the earth... which chemical did that? If we change the tides maybe it won't hit us. Lets get a boat and out run that. If we stop polluting will it fix its self? It is a BIG system! What does seem evident to me is that change, change in treatment, change in lifestyle, change in any way seems to confuse the beast. Maybe LSD is so effective because it does hit so many receptors. Maybe we are shaking the tree as hard as we can now, and the coconuts will fall where they may. Sorry, got inspiredÂ
Damn I love this stuff. I think there is more think'n here in this thread than in the whole of the scientific community (CH wise) and we are damn amatures who are trying to fit our BS minds through the PHD wormhole.