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Personality Changes with Psychedelic Use


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Great thread.

This subject is one of my favorites and I've thought about it quite a bit.

At this point, IMHO, Brew has nailed some of the points and that we don't "yet" have any evidence that the psychedelics have much to do with it, but....

Even at lower doses, many people are made aware of things around them that they hadn't noticed before. Mostly due to the pain previous years of prescription drug use. (Most of the prescription drugs we use are at very high doses, close to or above common usages)

It doesn't take more than a "small" dose of psilocybin to bring some relief and also some tears. Realizing that all these years you haven't been alone. You're supporters have been there all along. Your kids still love you.

You look around and realize that you've actually done a good job raising your family or growing into a productive adult.

Psychedelics can cause a little soul searching even at low doses. You realize it isn't your fault. It's no one's fault. it's life.

We did a little work last year looking at clusters and PTSD and what happens after using psychedelics. The unscientific results were quite staggering.

I've always felt that people with clusters have suffered with PTSD even between cycles. Psychedelics are now thought to be very good treatments for PTSD.

I have a lot of other thoughts on this but I'll leave it at that  :)


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Great thread.

This subject is one of my favorites and I've thought about it quite a bit.

At this point, IMHO, Brew has nailed some of the points and that we don't "yet" have any evidence that the psychedelics have much to do with it, but....

Even at lower doses, many people are made aware of things around them that they hadn't noticed before. Mostly due to the pain previous years of prescription drug use. (Most of the prescription drugs we use are at very high doses, close to or above common usages)

It doesn't take more than a "small" dose of psilocybin to bring some relief and also some tears. Realizing that all these years you haven't been alone. You're supporters have been there all along. Your kids still love you.

You look around and realize that you've actually done a good job raising your family or growing into a productive adult.

Psychedelics can cause a little soul searching even at low doses. You realize it isn't your fault. It's no one's fault. it's life.

We did a little work last year looking at clusters and PTSD and what happens after using psychedelics. The unscientific results were quite staggering.

I've always felt that people with clusters have suffered with PTSD even between cycles. Psychedelics are now thought to be very good treatments for PTSD.

I have a lot of other thoughts on this but I'll leave it at that  :)


Actually, I suffer from PTSD. I've had a metricfuckton of trauma in my life, starting as a child. Then medical trauma, then....well, lots more trauma from other places.

It used to screw me up pretty bad... but since busting, I'm a lot better off with it.

Hell, I'm perky and cheerful right now when I'm sick as hell. Normally I wouldn't be be-bopping around when I feel this crappy, but I can't help it. Busted a few days ago.

I think it has an impact, I don't know about long term yet, but I know most of the impact has been from not having hits constantly driving me crazy. But I think there is something going on with it helping heal up my PTSD.


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Alleyoop, that was an awesome link!  Wish I still had the link for research done by the great Dennis Mckenna.  It showed how when under tryptamine psychedelics the brain is flooded with serotonin.  This flood causes the brain to make new receptors to deal with it--  The flood wears off, and your brain makes new serotonin to fill the receptors...Thus you have a good few months of anti-depressant activity.  I completely believe that even small amounts of psychedelics can lead to more patience, more empathy, and all sorts of funny tree hugger feelings....but I also wonder how much of what we are experiencing is related to our hypothalamus finally working right.  Your hypothalamus is associated with all sorts of stuff, but the real things that are obvious are supposedly the 4 F's.  Fighting, feeding, fleeing, and uh...how bout "fornincating" ;D.  Haven't had much problems with the last one (at least that I'll admit! ;D) but fighting?  Hell yeah.  Feeding? maybe...I know I can go a good while without hunger, only to be slammed with unbelievable hunger (and usually a cluster if I haven't eaten enough) Fleeing?  Hell yeah again. I get so frustrated in some situations, and I feel my brain telling me, "GO!  GO NOW! GO! GO!"  Takes all my strength to keep from either start screaming at people or run away from frustrating situations.  I notice this type of thing happens big time if I'm soon to get hit.  BUT....the tryptamines seem to make it all better.  I know some of it's from the psychotherapy that's just seems to come along with these drugs, but I completely feel a different physical reaction that my brain has after taking these drugs.  My guess is that we are getting an activation of our hypothalamus that lasts months, and on top of that we've got the crazy tree-hugger love-joy.  We're probably lucky we're not stuck in constant drum circles and choking on incense :D.

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Definitely happier and more laid back.

Happiness. I'm able to enjoy life again, rather than barely exist.

Purpose.  I'm able to work.  I'm able to do what I love the very most -be a mom.

Healing.  Treatments have helped me to work through, accept, and move on from past traumatic events.  I'd love to find a counselor who incorporates hallucinogens with their sessions. 

Reduced anxiety.  If I can cope with CHs and have some control over them, I can cope with anything life brings my way.  Bring it.

BTW - Great post, Ricardo!   ;D

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...and I don't think it it PTSD. It it TSD. Nothing really " post " about it, it is ongoing or my new term OTSD.

Hmmm maybe past, present and future TSD.

This seems to subside as the pain management treatment of choice works it's magic.

Hope is probably my favorite word and very good medicine in itself :)


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I had PTSD from other stuff happening to me in life. Been trying out all kinds of therapy and meds, nothing worked very well. This treatment worked it`s way trough it all and it doesn't seem i get a "fallback". My life is changed because of hallucinogenic`s. I`m a true believer :)

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Hi guys,

I'm too old. Meat's tough and stringy. Probably not too tasty. You can bite me though. And Dan, you're gonna have to continue fantasizing about my pretty mouth. It really is very pretty. My fantasy, Dan, is that you'll grow a ring of hair around your mouth - for me.



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