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dude...... mdma is baaaaad for you..... way worse than LSD or psiclobin sp*

I dont need to read the articles to know that

Yes, you do actually need to read the information to find out if it's bad for you or not. Read up on the drug. How do you know that it's bad? Because the government tells you? Because the news used to proclaim it's bad and can put holes in your brain?

How much is propaganda?


ETA: Unless you've got a medical condition, or mental illness, LSD and Shrooms aren't bad for you...

Hell, I've got a bunch of medical conditions, and the stuff has saved my life. All of the drugs that are currently available to treat migraines, and clusters, are based on hallucinogenics.

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dude...... mdma is baaaaad for you..... way worse than LSD or psiclobin sp*

I dont need to read the articles to know that

dude...... reading is goooood for you..... way better than looking at the pictures sp*

You need to read the articles to know that


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wow... nice responses there...

trust me on this one, I cant go around on the board proclaiming I have taken a bunch of it, and been around even more. But Its bad for you... its bad for your brain

and I have read articles, and no I dont listen to the govt about eerything and yes I am educated, "professes to be" I profess that was a rude comment


if your gonna be having CH I dont see the damage from a few doses of MDMA being any worse than much else out there...

PLEASE also remember just becuase your pain is gone doesnt mean its good for you, Afterall when your apendix finally bursts, it doesnt hurt nearly as much as when its inflamed, but your also much closer to dying.....

I bet heroin would take away my pain, but you dont see me shooting up

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Dude, you've got to learn to research things before making blanket statements.

There is currently a great deal of research being done on the use of MDMA in the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder.

I'm sure there are some folks who have fried a few circuits by overuse of MDMA for recreational purposes. But to say "it's bad for your brain" is simply short-sighted and simple.

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Hmm, let's see a 9mm to the temple during a K10 or dose of MDMA with mild withdrawals after...  Not much of a choice if you ask me...  It's not like those with CH have lots of options available from their local doctor... 

Some hallucinogens are available to some people in some places, other hallucinogens in different countries, locations. 

I KNOW for a FACT LSA has saved my life and possibly sanity, if MDMA is the only thing available to someone with CH I'd take it in a second as opposed to the other option...

MDMA might not be perfect, but name a prescription drug that doesn't have something in the side effects like "could cause death".  That's even on Tylenol bottles.  If you ask me these hallucinogens are MUCH safer than anything the Dr. prescribes, and clearly more effective!!!


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Hmmm....  Here's a paper that shows your brain is better off getting a minimal traumatic brain injury if you're high on MDMA....(Does that seem like it qualifies as "bad for your brain"?)


Here's a paper detailing PTSD's effects on the brain...Seeing as how MDMA has had such good success with treating PTSD, I bet it's safe to infer that most of these physical brain problems are not happening after the MDMA therapy.  ("bad for the brain"?)


And here's a link about an even more insidious danger... Dihydrogen Monoxide :)  (Bad for your brain?)


"Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy."


(everything in moderation, my friend) :)

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seems like you guys are getting upset about something that we dont even know helps, have one of you even tried it?

im not making blanket statements, Im speaking from experience...

also and no offense on this one, BUT  DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

A drug that makes you feel happy and euphoric is helping people with PTSD wow, who would have thought it. You do know that mdma was given to soilders in WWI in the trenches right?  oh how would I know that off the top of my head if Ive neevr read anything.

new study in, people who watch tv alot and are obese are 90% more likely to be depressed....

please go  ahead, check the band Phish's tour schedule, if they are coming to your town or nearby go on the lot and ask people for "molly" (street name of pure mdma)  take it and report back

make sure its as white colored as possible and the more crystalline it looks the better.

oh yeah... I have no idea what Im talking about...

Ptsd is not cluster headaches. I may have some PTSD if this ever goes away though

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also and no offense on this one, BUT  DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

A drug that makes you feel happy and euphoric is helping people with PTSD wow, who would have thought it.

Jl, what you're suggesting here is the same as what many uninformed people think about the use of psychedelics to treat CH -- that somehow you "trip" and that makes you unaware of the pain (or something).  This article previously posted by shocked presents a different picture about MDMA and PTSD: http://www.oprah.com/health/PTSD-and-MDMA-Therapy-Medical-Uses-of-Ecstasy/8

I'm not loving the tone of this thread, and I'm not surprised that you might be feeling kind of defensive, and of course you're right that "PTSD is no cluster headaches" . . . and at the same time, maybe there's something for all of us to learn from this.

This tangent is mine . . . You write,

I may have some PTSD if this ever goes away though
  I've said here, and 1961mom has said more eloquently, that something a lot like PTSD is probably very common among people who suffer from CH.  I don't see how it couldn't be, and of course what makes it so much worse is that while maybe "typical" PTSD arises from past incidents that can be assumed not to be highly likely to happen again, CH is all too fecking likely to happen again.  So I suspect that most conventional forms of PTSD therapy (like the one described in that article) will not help CH sufferers much.  But if something helps my daughter and you and the folks here and elsewhere to cope with what I see as the many PTSD-like challenges of living with CH, I'm all for learning more and assuming less.
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The article linked is from Elle magazine. Elle is the worlds leading fashion and beauty magazine. Elle is not and has not ever been noted for advocating drug use/abuse.

This article and the growing number of reports in the mainstream media are indicative of how acceptable entheogenic therapy is becoming. See also-


As mentioned in Lauren SlaterÂ’s excellent piece, MDMA/Ecstasy research was seriously set back due to misinformation when it was suggested by George Ricaurte that MDMA caused neurotoxicity.

It turned out that the $1.3 million study, had not used Ecstasy at all, but had instead used “overdoses” of methamphetamine.

The journal Science had to issue a retraction when the mistake was identified. Unfortunately the retraction received much less coverage than the sensationalized original piece.

Research errors –


It has taken more than a decade for scientists get approval for research.

2000 -


2004 -


2010 -


MDMA/Ecstasy research is now moving on –

2011 -



Here we see John’s “careful and well-reasoned” response to “critiques”. -


Many outlets are covering the story and there is a great deal of interest/comment -


much to read


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you are right I am defensive becuase people jumped down my throat.

Look my grandfather told me that when he was 16 he smoked a few cigs and got ill and threw up... he didnt need a bunch of ads or people to come to his school to tell him it was bad for him..   

Im telling you its bad for you... but please go ahead and try it and report back

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agree to disagree then

but once again this isnt even for CH!!!  its for PTSD and lots of drugs will help that. THC, Pail pills... doesnt mean its good

and please guys stop saying stuff like "you're educated you should or shouldnt do X Y Z

If im so educated then freaking listen to me. Its not like mushrooms or LSD  I dont want some of you taking it regularlly it will mess you up, Ive seen it happen with my own two eyes. Some people that took alot were fine some that took less were changed forever.

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I bet heroin would take away my pain, but you dont see me shooting up

Demerol, morphine, doesn't touch my CH pain. I dont think Heroin would either.

I dont want some of you taking it regularlly it will mess you up,

Thanks for your concern. ;)

seems like you guys are getting upset about something that we dont even know helps, have one of you even tried it?

Did you know there is anecdotal evidence that MDMA does work on CH?

No I have not tried it, but I will if and when the shrooms LSA and acid fail. I am pretty sure a dose of MDMA would be much more enjoyable than a DHE IV drip. ::) and who's to say it may work better and cause less harm than prednisone tapers. 8-) and a butt load of other pharmacutical poison they make us take.

all the best

the bb

agree to disagree here as well. Different strokes ::)


Just thought you and the other men on our team should know.
Now that is good information!!!!!he.he.he ;D ;D
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Are we just about done agreeing?   :-(

Shocked posted an article, thanks Shocked.

Informative discussion about psychedelics and MDMA.

The potential for MDMA is amazing in my opinion, and that is based on listening to the research leaders talk about it and their studies (at a MAPS conference, San Jose in 2010).  I was impressed and truly enthralled with their work.

Knowledge arises from those willing to ask the questions.

There will always be debate and opinions, there was when the discussion about using psilo for CH first came up.  Yes, that convo got nasty at times, yet we all find ourselves here now, talking about it and trying to help others.  Questions, knowledge and maybe some answers.

The goal has always been to help others.   

Several hundreds, maybe thousands of people in pain have been helped.

Is this thread helping?  I dunno.

I value everyone's comments, but lets keep it nice.


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Is this a schedule one drug as well???
since you're winking, i guess you know the answer, which is yes.

from wikipedia:  MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, Ecstasy), which continues to be used medically, notably in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The medical community originally agreed upon placing it as a Schedule III substance, but the government denied this suggestion, despite two court rulings by the DEA's administrative law judge that placing MDMA in Schedule I was illegal. It was temporarily unscheduled after the first administrative hearing from December 22, 1987 - July 1, 1988.[23]

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