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NEW Monster NRG Drink


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10 calories, only 3g of sugars. Loaded with caffeine and taurine just like all the rest . . . the catch is its non carbonated! really easy to drink fast.

Its lemonade and black tea. Kinda like a super Arnold Palmer half and half. Tastes pretty good!

It's called "Monster Rehab" It has lots of electrolytes similar to vitamin waters "revive" flavor

On the can it says "Rehab the Beast" LOL that cranky SOB needs to go to rehab for sure. He certainly has anger management issues and is quite violent

So for those that hate Red Bulls or the current Monsters that are out now. . .

I suggest you give these a try :) The can is all black and yellow

Here's a link http://www.monsterenergy.com/us/en/products/rehab/


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Oh a sports drinky-ish version, interesting indeed.  8-)

Funny how it even actually contains the lemonade and calcium ingredients of the D3 regimen (but it doesn't look like there'd be enough calcium really at 14 mg to officially qualify).

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I wasn't posting this for that vitamin nonsense. I posted this in hopes that someone who thinks the NRG drinks taste like shit will have another abort method or an o2 enhancer.


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Holly cow, Had I known about the pull tabs, I'd be putting in for the sweatshirt with all I've been hammering down the last three weeks...I'm about to dumpster dive for 10 or so in the kitchen trash now!Wink

I just bought 16 more cans at the store yesterday.

LOL I dont know if there is a Sam's club near you, or a BJ's. Basically any bulk retailer has 24 can cases for about 32 bucks. 1.50 a can instead of 2.35 individually   :D


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Hmmm...maybe Monster would like to be a sponsor for the CB Conference?

Maybe, but their can insists its not intended to fight or treat any disease, it may be contradicting to them.

Pretty good idea though, you know they got money.

Another idea. . .  is to really find out what it is that helps us so much and have them create a beverage "FOR US"

Maybe we could sneak a donation from them since we all buy a butt load of their product. Give them the " give back to the community speech"


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Been looking for it, don`t think it`s sold here yet. Too bad. Would have liked to try it.

Talked about it yesterday, said to my boyfriend "Red Bull or someone should sponsor us, at the con, think how many energy drinks we`re consuming"!! Seriously!!

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The problem with energy drink sponsorship is that no corporation is going to want that kind of association: "Drink X cures (or even "helps alleviate the symptoms of") malady Y."

False claims, false advertising, etc. Just ain't gonna happen. I'll be happy to eat my words if it does.

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Well it says right on the can not intended to treat or cure any disease.

We need to keep throwing ideas out there because these millions of dollars for research and the reason this site exists aren't going to fall from the sky.

Maybe this conversation will trigger more structured and possible ideas to get the ball rolling a little faster.

The faster and bigger it is, the more unstoppable it becomes.


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sponsor verb - definition from Cambridge Dictionary Online: to support a person, organization or activity by giving money, encouragement or other help

No need to even associate cure/treatment for CH.

Sponsorship = advertising

Kind of like Kotex and Nascar:

"Feeling that the female audience is growing in leaps and bounds, Nascar has chosen KOTEX FEMININE PRODUCTS as it's new sponsor."

Monster and Red Bull are both well established, therefore may not have interest in promoting.  But, a smaller company may - one like RevHoney.  http://www.revhoney.com/main.html  I've used their drinks before - no artificial sweeteners (will give me a regular headache).

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As my doctor said to me this week my Red Bull use could cause me some heart attacks I now maybe need to switch to Monster  ;)

Didn't see this one in the supermarket, we have just two types. Maybe this one is coming soon.

@AO, does Monster have better results as Red Bull ? As I never tried this brand.

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@AO, does Monster have better results as Red Bull ? As I never tried this brand.

Personally I dislike Red Bull, its mostly a preference thing, from what people say redbull is just as effective. Some prefer because they are a smaller can. Monster works pretty good for me, lots of different flavors and what not. One thing I have found with NRG drinks is to use them periodically. The more you drink them the less effective they become. And with continuous use like 2 or 3 everyday you could find your self having withdrawl headaches from the caffiene, inturn perhaps lighting the fuse for a cluster.

You can over do anything, moderation is key.

If Nrg drinks are going to cause you heart issues, there are some other beverages that help, but not as effective as monster/red bull. Yerba Mate is one of them, its a South American Tea, grown in the rainforest. People of the land have been consuming it daily for 1000years+. Its like a ritual heres a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mate_%28beverage%29

Very health beneficial, supposed to be better for you than green tea.

Some supermarkets sell a bottled product, (Guayaki Yerba Mate) but if you can find loose leaves you can make it stronger and its a hell of a lot cheaper.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Just wanted to give you a big THANKS! for the Monster Rehab "heads up".  Andrew loves it, and he said he can really chug it down, so much better than the carbonated version.  So he finds that it works so much faster and is more effective for him.  Right now we can only find it in the singles at the checkout at Walmart.  Sometimes he drives over there just to get one. 

I am hoping to find a way to purchase in large quantities.  Might just call the Wal Mart manager :)

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