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D3 Regimen Dosing Frequency and Bloodwork Question


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HI everyone, 

I recently started the D3 regime and am doing the loading schedule where you take 50,000 IU of D3/day. But I can't find anywhere that says WHEN in the day you should take these supplements. Is it better to space the vitamin D throughout the day? With or without meals? Or take it all in one dump? I did read that it's good to space out the magnesium (one in morning and one in the evening) to prevent some GI issues. 

Also, for the bloodwork recommended, do people typically try to get a script for it through their PCP? Neurologist? I'm just worried about it not being covered by insurance and it seems like a lot of bloodwork over time. 

Thank you!

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2 hours ago, LHeidkamp said:

WHEN in the day you should take these supplements.

I don't think there is a particular recommended time as far as morning vs. evening but to answer your other question regarding with or without food, it is suggested to take with food to help with absorption. You are correct on the magnesium. I highly doubt that your insurance would cover supplements unless you are extremely deficient (in there book) at least...  

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9 hours ago, LHeidkamp said:

Also, for the bloodwork recommended, do people typically try to get a script for it through their PCP? Neurologist?

All I can report is I haven't had a tuff time convincing the PCP to order the vit D test as part of annual blood work. I had even gotten buy in for including testosterone, since that was a suspected issue with CH back in the day. Was as surprised as anyone to see the report come back showing a fully macho testosterone level at that time?!? :lol: I think for my upcoming annual bloodwork I'll also request the calcium and the other D3 regimen related thingy (the name of which escapes me at this moment) - I have requested those before, but in the end they didn't make it onto the panel.

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What about the PTH levels? It's suggested that we get that checked too. "Again, it is very important to do loading schedules like this under a physician’s supervision with regular lab assays for serum 25(OH)D3, calcium and PTH at 30 days after start of loading." I honestly did no bloodwork prior to starting the regimen because I'm at the desperation stage. Maybe I'll regret it later? I don't know. I know where my vitamin D sits pretty regularly, just not the other two. 

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In my opinion (only), if you sit around and wait to be seen by a physician that knows less than you do about your situation you will be in pain much longer. I'm not saying that it's not important to get all the mentioned levels checked because it is. At the same time getting out of horrific pain is just as important. Anyone can look at the pool and wonder how cold it is or how deep it is. Some can stick a toe in and test the water, some can get a measuring stick and decide if they can navigate...some just jump too. Not trying to be harsh in the least just exuding my faith in homogeneous science..(citizens science.

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Hi @LHeidkamp,

 I feel like my last comment came across a bit snippy and so I just wanted to come on here and apologize for that. After thinking about it for a minute I felt somewhat like a hypocrite because I was sort of a “toe dipper, “measure first” sort of person in the beginning of all this fun. I am sure some of the awesome people on here that helped me jump are shaking their heads (or they should be) because it took quite a bit of coaxing from many for me to start helping myself. I suppose I just get angry thinking about the unnecessary pain that I put myself through and that many endure when overthinking or trying to do things by the book. After re-reading your comment about labs etc. I see you did just jump and start the loading. I will be good to go in and get your labs when you are done just so you know where you’re at. Anyhow I am glad you are on here and seem to be finding your way through all of this! Wishing you pain free days ahead! 

Phew...conscious clear;)

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@BoscoPiko Oh don't worry about it! I didn't take it as you being snippy. Maybe having CH has desensitized me to things that a normal person would be sensitive about. You were forward and blunt and that's refreshing. I really only started trying to help myself here in the last 5 years, and it downright pisses me off that I didn't help myself sooner/people didn't push me to help myself sooner/I just wasn't educated about the resources and community available to me. On to pain free days! 

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7 hours ago, BoscoPiko said:

 I feel like my last comment came across a bit snippy

Huh? Snippy, SHMIPPY, you've never appeared to have a snippy bone in your body, and I'll take this occasion to nominate you for the "Least likely To Ever Get All Snippy" award to be ceremoniously dished out at the next CB conference. :lol:

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1 hour ago, Bejeeber said:

Huh? Snippy, SHMIPPY, you've never appeared to have a snippy bone in your body, and I'll take this occasion to nominate you for the "Least likely To Ever Get All Snippy" award to be ceremoniously dished out at the next CB conference. :lol:

Thanks Jeeb! I was feeling a bit guilty as I was just not 100% myself yesterday (mild attack that woke me at 2am when I thought this party was over) so I did think I just wasn't myself...( at least not 100%) I appreciate the reassurance!  

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@LHeidkamp I just started the Vitamin D regimen exactly 7 days ago, and for the first few days, I would spread out the dosage throughout the day. I ran into a few recommendations to take Vitamin D around the last meal of the day as it gives your body the most time in-between meals to consume the most nutrients. I was headache free yesterday, and it looks like today is going to be the 2nd day in a row!! I'm still in the loading phase, but I am already feeling the benefits of this regimen! So exciting :D 

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On 1/10/2024 at 7:55 PM, Bejeeber said:

Huh? Snippy, SHMIPPY, you've never appeared to have a snippy bone in your body, and I'll take this occasion to nominate you for the "Least likely To Ever Get All Snippy" award to be ceremoniously dished out at the next CB conference. :lol:

I'll wholeheatedly agree with "no snippyness observed" and I second that nomination jeebster!!


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Lots of good comments on when to dose.  The basic rule is take these supplements with the largest meal of the day.  This is particularly important for the mineral supplements as large meals trigger the release of more stomach acid and this helps dissolve the mineral supplements.  The oil based supplements can be taken at any time.  That said, taking everything with the largest meal is the best way to go.

As far as the labs go, obtaining them before start of treatment  with the supplements establishes a baseline to help measure progress.  In simple terms, your assay for 25(OH)D3 should increase by at least 60 ng/mL (150 nmol/L) by day 30.  Don't be concerned if your serum 25(OH)D3 concentration goes over 100 ng/mL (250 nmol/L).   I've run my serum 25(OH)D3 concentration up as high as 272 ng/mL.  I'm still here at 79, CH pain free and doing just fine.  My PCP did go into fibrillation the first time he saw it that high, but calmed down when he saw my serum calcium was within its normal reference range and all my other annual physical labs were in the green.

The calcium assay may rise to the top if its normal reference range but not over..  PTH should start dropping towards its minimum level within the normal reference range.  A drop in PTH is the second best indication vitamin D3 is doing its thing properly.  Stopping the CH is the best indication.

For CHers new to this treatment protocol, I and many other CHers who use the Bio-Tech D3-50 50,000 IU water soluble capsules have found loading vitamin D3 at 100,000 IU/day for six days gets us CH pain free a lot faster.  There's a lot more info in the Quick Start Guide.

Take care and please keep us posted if you've just started this treatment protocol.

V/R, Batch, a.k.a. XXX

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  • 6 months later...

Where is the D3 regimen dosage guide? My husband has been taking 10,000 IU/day and it seems to be the only thing that has helped, but he's afraid to take more. Where can I find the dosing regimen? 


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