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I'm finding that I have less and less patience with people. So much so, my friends have even commented on it.

I'm normally a pretty easy going person, and generally believe people do their best and aren't out to annoy me. But lately, it takes very little for people to annoy me. Drivers, clueless people at the tills in stores, clueless people in the queue at the tills, etc. etc.

Now, I know we shouldn't put everything bad in our lives down to clusters. But am just curious if other people have noticed this in themselves. I generally sleep well as my clusters rarely attack at night. I could understand, if someone was loosing sleep, as many of you do, from clusters, it would affect your mood.

But, maybe I'm just getting old.


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After being in cycle for several weeks, I loose patience with everyone outside of my family. >:(

Life sucks so much, that I don't take kindly to strangers adding to the pile. I am so miserable that I no longer care what others think, so I will flip em off, tell them off, or walk/drive off myself.

I got to the point that I just wanted to grab people by the neck and squeeze hard till their eyes popped out a good bit. Then ask "So, how do you feel now? Welcome to MY world, now go away." >:(

On a return trip from the dentist in December, the woman in front of me on the mountain road was driving 10 below the limit. It is a 25 mile stretch of highway. She would not let me around. She slammed on her brakes TWICE to tick me off. I hit my brakes and stayed where I was. When we got to the one stop sign, she got out and yelled "You wanna get off my ass?"

"Nope, but I would be happy to go around you!" Which she finally let me do!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is much better now, but I am so behind the eight ball I don't think I will catch up till some time in August. :)

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I totally, totally get that Spiny. Sometimes, I just want to grab people by the shoulders and sake some sense into them. Even though I know I didn't used to be like that.

I didn't really notice it until my best friend commented on how short tempered I am with people these days. She said something along the lines of 'I have issues with people'. No, not all people. Just those that piss me off. Which is growing in population I must say.

Today, in a shop, the guy in front of me at the till, who obviously wasn't hurting for money, was trying to buy 2 sets of metal shelves that were still in their packaging, but damaged. He asked if he could get a discount for them because of the damage. He was offered 10% by the guy at the till. He didn't like that amount, and asked him to get a manager. The manager also said 10% discount. The guy tried talking them down further, but they wouldn't budge.

I just wanted to grab him and shout that the shelves aren't that expensive to begin with, and if he wanted them, why not pay full price for some that weren't freaking bent!!!

In the end, after squabbling over a few Pounds, he didn't buy them. Left them in my way in the queue. He should be very grateful I didn't add a dent to the shelves with his head.

A year or so ago, thoughts like that would never have entered my mind.

But drivers are the worst. Why do people drive 40 in a 60? And worse, why do they speed up in places where you can pass them, so you can't pass them, then slow down in places where you can't pass them. I swear, they do it on purpose.

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Moxie, Spiny,

My beast has always made me an angry person when he comes around.  Don't know if it's something in the brain he's messing with, lack of sleep or just dealing with the pain, but when he comes around my personality takes a nose dive... 

You two need to come spend some time on a sailboat in Florida.  :)  No where to go, not getten there fast anyway, and no one in the way ..  ;)

That said, I'm a much better person now after busting.  DEFINITELY...  :)



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A sailboat in Florida sounds FANTASTIC! One of my sisters used to sail, sailboats for rich people from Maine to Florida, then fly back to Maine and do it again. At the end of winter, she'd sail them back up North. Talk about a sweet job.

I've never even been on a sailboat, but have always wanted to learn to sail. It's on my bucket list.

And would certainly be a way to de-grouch. Only seagulls to shout at. LOL


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I've had only one day this week that was headache free, and today was the worst of the lot. A couple doses of a pain killer with codene that didn't help, then finally a triptan knocked it on the head.

But,........ I'm at a friends tonight, a little dinner party of sorts. And although I'm headache free, I find I'm VERY sensitive to smells and touch. I feel almost claustophobic with everyone around, and am finding hugs very invasive. Not my normal self.

Just wondering, mostly to myself, if this is a post migraine thing, or a pre cluster attack thing. Guess I'll find out as the night progresses.

:( Renee

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My 2 cents; it happens before or during both. Particularly prior to clusters because of the serotonin reuptake, which can really screw with your mood control. Though from what I understand similar things happen during migraines. Or did I miss something? lol

Actually, I'ma just shut up cuz I lost my choo-choo of thought. I don't even know anymore...


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Honey, most people with hits do not like being touched. In fact, you'll find a ton of people who will let you know if you touch them during a hit they may hit you.

I was like that at first but since I had to take care of my nephews and one day want to be a Mom, I knew I couldn't stay like that. So I got to where I could handle touch.

But if it's a high level hit? I don't want ANYONE touching me. I shrink away. I get to the point I want to choke doctors when they go to touch me. I also get violent and start wanting to throw shit and become destructive.

Grumpiness is completely normal when you're in severe pain, feel bad, or hurt. Ask anyone who deals with sick people. When you feel bad, your temper is shortened. You want shit to work properly so you can get the feck home. And when people are idiots... Well, it's normal to want to punch 'em.

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Thanks guys.  I made it through the evening without being hit, well, hard anyway. Had some shooting type headaches. Got his  little on the way home.

But, in bed now. Haven't slept in my bed for days, always good to come back home. And nothing to get up for in the morning except a bit of archery practice.

xx Renee

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Have you ever also gotten like... confusion, or dizziness if something comes too close? Or am I the only person to get this? The doctors at the ER were checking me out a few months back around Christmas time and if she tried to put the pen up to my face to try and do an eye coordination check it would just throw my equalibrium off and I would just have that sensation of "Whats going on? What is she doing? Who are these people?"

On the side note, thinking about the grouchy and irritation

It makes me appreciate how much I love my wife, to know she married me even knowing I go ballistic sometimes preceeding a cluster, much like today. She even got me some smoke, a monster rehab green tea, and a chicken salad sandwich after we argued today.

I guess I found one thing to feel blessed with even when I have that "fire pokey" sensation in my eyes and spine. LOL Irony...

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Your wife sounds like a wonderful woman, keep her! LOL

I've never had the confusion or dizziness with head pain before. That sounds pretty intense! If I get too hungry, I lose all ability to make decisions, even what or where to eat becomes a challenge. And, getting to hungry used to also trigger migraines, but not so much anymore.


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I am never myself during a cluster, and unfortunately this one has lasted over a year.  When I am on meds, I'm high and stupid.  When I'm not, I'm light and sound sensitive.  I'm usually feeling crappy one way or another, way less social, definitely moodier.  For me, I can handle the pain, I just hate how every aspect of my life gets affected. 

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