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3 Weeks


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I know I'm probably jumping the gun here a little bit, but it has been nearly 3 weeks since my last cluster. That is the longest I have been cluster free for 2 years! Quite possibly longer.

I've busted with shrooms 4 times now, a week apart. One more bust left in this batch.

I'm hoping for even longer CH periods.

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Congrats! :) :)

Remember your headache log from last year? I do. You have made really great strides in PF time!!!!

Keep On Trucking Renee. 8-)

Well, not completely accurate. I am significantly migraine free (2 this year, down from 40 something last year), and recently having more cluster free days than ever. But headaches, still 4-5 days a week, sometimes twice a day.

BUT! My headaches don't turn into migraines like they used to if untreated. Also, they tend to last hours instead of days.

So, am much better, and able to function and not miss work. But PF, no, don't think I'll ever be completely PF for more than a few days.

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