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I have been reading the threads,and at least I'm not the only one with this problem.I have not had a CH in 5 years until 1 week ago.Lets see,eye starts to tear,eye hurts,and then 10 to 15 minutes later,its like someone taking a ice pick to my eye,and behind my eye in 1 area.It's so bad I just scream and gasp for an hour at least.I'm getting 2 -3 a day.Lately it wakes me up from a dead sleep to a full blown CH.I dont have benefits,but I am going to make an appointment,so I can get oxygen.I started to get another CH today,but drank a Red Bull,and it helped.

I am looking for any tips,besides diet.I only drink water now.It seems to help me feel better in general,but not in the CH department. :'(

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O2 and caffeine!!!!!!! Energy drinks or coffee, which ever you tolerate the best.

Always hit it at inception!!! I too get nocturnal hits, all night. When you get woken up, you are up the chart already and don't have the opportunity to get a jump start on the beast. So, chug the drink or start the coffee and hit the O2. IMMEDIATELY! Then, stay on the O2 long enough. Otherwise, you will get hit again and soon. If it took 10 minutes to kill the attack, stay another 10 minutes minimum.

Some people swear by extra water, others find no benefit. But, caffeine will help. Taurine also seems to help for those who can do the energy drinks. Try to get a drink with both if you prefer energy drinks. It makes a difference.

O2: Ya need 25LPM at least it seems. Otherwise, you probably won't be able to hyperventilate as needed at the start. Dial the O2 to match your breathing. In the beginning of the attack, hyperventilating is needed. Because of the pain and for the relief. If a lower flow is prescribed, you can buy a different regulator online. Then, run with what works. You learn as you go. :) Let me know if I can help further.

all the best


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Thank you so much guys for the advice.I am supposed to start a new job in a few weeks,but who knows when benefits will kick in.I had a ch today,but I swear Red Bull helped.I picked up the phone book and started calling all the clinics I could find.I found a doctor that will see me,and fees are based on a sliding scale.Since Im not working at the moment,its a 25 dollar appointment.

I had a decent job with great benefits,but the company moved :-/ and I was out of a job.The first time I started to get CH I went and saw my doctor.He gave me meds,and eventually sent me to a neurologist.They ruled out tumors,but said it has all the symptoms of CH.The pills I took were worthless,and never got on oxygen.I cant remember why I didn't get oxygen treatment,but my CH stopped after 2 months.At the time I was a full time student,and working,so I had alot of stress.That was 5 years ago.Now it seems the pain is worse than before.Its the HA! HA!,scream gasp,which  seems like hours,but normally last about an hour.I had three ch yesterday,two of which woke me out of a dead sleep.What kind of headache wakes you up when your sleeping.Apparently, mine do :o

What should I tell the doctor,as far as a prescription.I don't have alot of knowledge on treatment,but pain is a big motivator.I am more than motivated to jump off a bridge :P I wouldnt wish CH on my worst enemies.

I am a big coffee drinker,but I always use 3 packs of equal/cup.I normally drink 8-10 cups a day.My cup is a 12 oz glass.I know Aspartame is not good,so I need to cut that out,but I'm afraid my ch will get worse.I cut my coffee drinking in half.


Is it hard to get LSA Seeds in the U.S.? I smoke weed on occasion,but not since the ch started again.

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Don't worry about the Aspartame right now. Just go for the relief!!!!  :)

Meds: Well, they will give you what they think will work best. They are not always right. Good luck. Most work for a while (we think) and then tank. I think the dragon was on vacation, not that the meds were working. Been there too many times.

Yes, in my experience, they get worse over time. It sucks. But, so it goes.

Good Luck!!

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Welders oxygen = no doctor needed.

Run up and down stairs or do lots of push-ups or both when attack comes.

Start D3 regimine.

I don't have benefits either but don't know that I would use them if I did. I hear horror stories about people with CH taking these synthetic drugs and their condition getting worse along with the likelihood or possibility that they may start getting the headaches daily with no breaks (chronic).

So far I've manged to take care of this without a doctor but couldn't have done it without my good friends here.

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