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In regards to Tragedy


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I removed my post, because I didn't want anyone to miss Bob's.

I had posted, "tears of rage. That's all I have."

And that still stands.

I am so full of anger about the way this condition "CH" is treated. I'm angry because we have to ask the question. " should I tell my doctor, what I have decided to do?" And then we wonder and worry if anyone finds out about the alternative treatment, could we lose our job? Could we go to jail?

I have the answers for myself. The help I have found using "our medicine" is worth all the risks. I had visions once about going to court to prove that point.

It is a sad thing that we take the poisons that can ruin our hearts, kidneys and brains. And at the same time we tell ourselves when I retire I will try the mushrooms. When my kids are out of the house I will try LSD. When I get older the curse will fade away.

Meanwhile some very valuable years are fading away.

You know, I might be the oldest person in this club and the attacks did not disappear when I hit 65. Lucky for me I found help thru ClusterBusters. I still have 2 cycles a year. Most are easy, some are still very bad. I no longer can remember a kip 10. I no longer have an attack longer than 20 minutes. I'm not afraid of CH.

I am afraid that my medicine might not be around some day, that would be a crime.

I don't know if BOL will be available, but I have hope. I'm so sad that 24 year old boy is gone.    Leslie

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So sad.  It is the reason I dont own a firearm as I fear the same results.  My sympathy goes out to his family.  A heartbreaking story that I think is all too common amongst us sufferers.   :'(

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If only there were a way to give this curse to every lawmaker and every doctor that scoffs at our pain...I would give it to them all. I'm sad for this whole world and I'm sorry for your loss. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to every family that has lost someone to the beast...words cannot describe the sorrow and anger I feel.... :'(


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