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Dallas Meet n Greet....Take 2.....

Dallas Denny

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OK ya'll.....we're gonna try it again....without the damned SNOW this time!!!!

Looks like the soonest Cindy and I can be up for it is mid july....just got too freakin much goin on to try it in June!! So as a "target" date, how would the weekend of July 16th, 17th, and 18th be for everyone? If it SNOW's, Barb and I have agreed to have Phil kidnapped and sent back to Michigan...lmfao!!!

Anyway, ya'll check in....lets figure out a date that's good for the mostest and I'll drop by Best Western and get a group code set up again!! I am expecting a much larger turn out this time as I've been sending PM's to all the Texas newbies on all the boards since the last meet n greet telling them to be watching for a new thread about another get together....the majority of them have responded and are interested in coming.

Hmmm....ya know, I might be able to put that new roof off til that weekend....how many of ya'll know how to shingle???   


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  • 4 weeks later...

I lived in Austin for 25 years and graduated from The University of Texas.  It is a fun city.  I don't know about the "pickin" but I've heard they only grow on dairy farms now.  So that would make the Brenham(sp) area a good spot.  That's where Blue Bell ice cream is made.  Brenham is near College Station, home of the Texas Aggies.

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OK Ya'll,

Three weeks from tomorrow!!  We have a total of 6 folks comin so far!!  The roof is on (ya'll lucked out...lol)!!

You're absolutely right Lee Ann.....I've never found em in a field unless the cows had boobs!!!  Unfortunately, they started puting fungicide in the rye grain that they feed dairy cattle in the late 70's or early 80's......by 83 the fields that I had picked for 10 years were dead!!!   In the mid 70's it was nothing to pick 10 to 15 lbs in 3 or 5 hours!!!!

And Hell Yeah Tim!!  Pack it up and come on down my friend!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, Phil (CH-HELL) and Jen (flipperlips) got in from McAllen yesterday evening......of course as grannyb says.....no one had anyone to say...lol!!  Had a great visit!!!  Lee Ann and Dan will be comin in from Ablilene around noon and we have a couple (both clusterheads!!!....how insane could that get at times!!) from Mesquite coming this afternoon as well.  Got word from Darrin (Texas Cluster ) this morning that he's not sure if he'll make it up from Katy or not.  And of course, BarbaraD had her gall bladder sucked out Thursday and is at home getting well.....she'll be missed but it just gives us another excuse to have another get together soon..lol!!  I'll be posting pics later!!!  Sorry you couldn't make it this time Eric!!  No Blackedyed Pea Soup this time my friend......Lee Ann's bringin smoked brisket, potato salad, and baked beans.....I've got a ham on the smoker and going to put some pasta salad together after while...HELL YEAH!!!


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Well, no one had any fun, or anything to say, or any "adult beverages"!!!  LOL!!!  Just kidding, we had a blast!! 

We did decide to eliminate early spring and mid summer as possible dates for any future get togethers though!!  And we all agreed to travel to Lee Ann and Dans in Ablilene for the next one!!  As you can tell from the pics....I lied about the "adult beverages"......


Dallas Denny

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No doubt, but that you guys had a blast!!

Thanks for the pics and getting them up so quick!!

Great looking group!!!

I hear you about the mid summer dates -- what's wrong with early spring? Rain? -- at least in the south; it's just too friggin hot & humid. 

Not trying to hijack your thread, but we're looking at October as a possible date for a Southeast Meet & Greet in Georgia.  As soon as we can iron out the details, we'll post it on a new thread.


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