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How many of you are bothered by perfumes or scented candles?

I try to explain to my wife that it feels like someone is sticking a finger in my eye when I smell them, she can not understand.

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Hey Mit!

Perfume, paint, solvent, gas.....yup.....went to play bingo a few years back and as I was at the counter buying cards, a lady walked by who had bathed in perfume....got hit before I got back to the table....had just paid $20 for the feckin cards so I just sat there rockin and dobbin them numbers!!


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Hey Mit!

Perfume, paint, solvent, gas.....yup.....went to play bingo a few years back and as I was at the counter buying cards, a lady walked by who had bathed in perfume....got hit before I got back to the table....had just paid $20 for the feckin cards so I just sat there rockin and dobbin them numbers!!


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No usually a problem here, but fumes are a trigger for many.


Hopefully your wife will come to understand and accept that you just can't handle them. Or some of them anyway.


I am allergic to many perfumes and a lot of candle scents. I start coughing and sneezing right quick. Then, the 'offender' looks at me like I am going to give her the plague!!! On a few occasions I have told them that I am allergic to their perfume on my way out the door.

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Scents are definitely right up there at the top of the trigger list (not for everyone, of course).  I'd say they're very close behind alcohol.  In my view, they're high up in the "second place" group that includes barometric pressure changes, stress, some sleeping patterns (shift work, naps), and some foods and food ingredients such as MSG.  I'm probably missing some -- really just saying that scents/fumes are very common triggers.

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