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Was PF for almoust two years now its back!


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Hi guys fist I am sorry I havent posted in a long time So after your help I stoped attacks with mushrooms and was eating them every two months, it helpt me for almoust two years. My life kinda changed I found my self a job moved out in Germany...

Now attacks are back, I tryed do busting eated them three times every five days and nothing, mushrooms vare off and I ged attack strait away. Every attack getting longer and more painfull, just had one laster for hour already i am getting three attacks in 24h.

So guys what should I do next? realy need to stop them becouse I could even lose my job cant work now i am working in construktion...

as always thank you for any sudgestions.

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I just ended a half year cycle using mushrooms every night before going to sleep. In 5 dosis it was gone. Just came back a few times at night. I've been using 900mg dried MM

(but that could be dosis that is to high for others, somebody told me)


I got the tip from a Dutch person who found out that every 5 days wasn't working for him, so he went every day. If its gone you can maintain once a week until you feel it's over.


Download my app and keep a good registry of attacks, MM use, Medicine use, vitamins etc or any other thing you think is related to your attacks. The app is free to download and made by me, hoping it will help us all, having more insight on the history of your attacks and what you've done to feel better. Just look for: "Register Your Journey" in play or itunes


Hope this will help you.

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so your sugestion take them every night in smaller doses? cant it make worse? i readed that you need at least 5 days betveen using MM. I realy need to stom this I only goot week left they wount keep me in job if i dont return in week.

Why usual busting doesnt help anymore? 

also I am using blackberry it seems your app doesnt work on it :/

I am also on D3 regime nothing else no oxygen...

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SORRY to hear of your horrible situation,i was the same 6 months ago!when in a frantic hurry to get the beast out of my head i

started taking more frequent doses of mm but found myself in a bad way !,the beast increased !!after going through 3 years wortth

of mm "70"grams"!i had no choice but to find lsd,i had 3.5grams of mm left .so i give it 5 days"as hard as it is to wait i

found it to be vital after going through 3 years worth i had no choice,i took the last of my mm,give it the 5 days and took 2 lsd

tabs,another 5 days another 2 tabs,sorted me out,hope this helps in anyway,keep your chin up!

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i am not taking anithing else... there you might be right maybe I dont trip enough? lats time I had very little vissions then eyes closed for a short time its more like body effect, I cant tell in grams i grew them drye then make shocolate this way is easy to consume. maybe try bigger amount after five days?

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you have to get the dried wait using scales.im just coming to as i post this from 2 grams dried!nothing heavy but everyone is

different !i find i do not get a strong effect from lsd as i would mm,do not give up on the mm treatment,its just trial and error

stage,i have been busting with mm for 2 years and am still learning.!

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For me 1.5 grams is a perfect dose, feels like I had a 6 pack of beer and colors are brighter especially red no trip at all. How often are you doing maintenance doses? Have you tried busting with RC seeds? I trade of maintenance doses between RC seeds and MM as I am afraid of my brain getting use to MM or Seeds.

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I went every day with the MM (dose 900mg) and it killed it finally after half a year. Don't know if MM will stop working. My first dose a few years back killed the pain straight away, now I seem to have more problems with it. But everyday worked for me. Did 6 days in a row and all gone (I had to because I also had a deadline, a trip with my friends to Amsterdam, so I needed to be good. Finally, two days before the flyight I slept and I had a good weekend with no pain)

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guys i dont understand i think I have bigger tolerance for MM becouse I always eat 3-4 grams and not always get trips.

About seeds very first time i tried busting with them but it did not work i did it with MM.

Now about eating every day I can do it if it will help me not to lose my job but everybody here says you need to wait 5 days so whitch is it? I am afraid to get even bigger tolerance if I eat every day, I dont realy vant to go to LSD its hard to get it.

Last attack was this night woke me strait from sleep lasted 70mins... every attack seems to get longer, its so hard after almoust 2 years PF. It seemed I finaly had my life in order, now everithing going bad again...

Just gime more than oe opinion on eating them every day, i will do it if you guys agree.

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I dont want to jinx it but today i didnt had attack yet only very big shadow pain and my ear on that side is num, hard to hear...

maybe busting helped? can it kick in after two days? I forgot how was it for me last time... hope it worked, would be nice on christmas have clear head

should I eat hem one more fourth time after five days?

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Rimantis, I wish you could have a definitive answer for waiting 5 days or taking some every night.  Here is what I can tell you. From the beginning, the people who created this site believed that busting with less than 5 days in between will not work.  It could be 4 days for some people.  There were three reasons for this belief: (1) the experiences of the early busting pioneers, and (2) the general experience of people who take psychedelics recreationally, that the effects were less when they took the substances more often; and (3) the evidence that when psychedelic substances attach to receptors in the brain, they stay there for several days.  Over the years, the experiences of most people here confirmed this -- they did not get good busting results if they waited less than 5 (or sometimes 4) days.


Now you have registrate' and his friend saying that they got good results from taking relatively small amounts on consecutive days.  It's for sure that registrate' is telling the truth.  And there are others who have experimented with "microdosing" every night with smaller amounts and have reported good results.  Maybe these smaller amounts don't fully block the receptors -- I don't know.  900mg is not really a "small" amount for many people, though it seems it would be for you and maybe it was for registrate' and his friend.


I think most people would encourage you to stick to the 5-day method, which has proven to work over many years, but -- unfortunately for the sake of making your choice -- the other method obviously could work.  Maybe this just confuses you more, but I wanted to give you the facts as I know them.

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Hi, CHfather, I'm not sure yet either. I was just talking MM every 5-7 day and it didn't went away, so I've started the every day a dose treatement and I was well in 5 days. 

I only did this because I had a weekend out with friend, had it already arranged month ago thinking that I would be good. But 10 days before leaving I still had every night attack and during the day so I've tried it.


Until now (almost a month later) I'm still doing alright. I did take one dose every week or two because I had some shadows. Thats it.


I've added my timeline:SymptomTimeline-MM.png


Oh, And I don't make chocolate or other things with it. Empty stomage, I'll cut them up in pieces and swallow it with water. Gone in 5 seconds.

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today I woke up had good sleep vithout any attack my bouth ears are num kinda hear like waves... much smaller shadow pain.

So i think busting helped only kicked in two days after last dose. tonight I will no for sure if no attack.


edit; just had attack 45 mins if normal attack pain is  10 so this was 7... just when I started get happy its over

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I'd suggest sticking to the method most of us have found works and works consistently.  


1- 5 days between doses.  (if it's taken sooner, there's a high likelihood it won't work).

2- Don't take it with food.  (Mixing mm with chocolate has a lot of oil in it and oil / fat reduces the absorption in the intestines)


Eat a light fat fee meal about 2 to 3 hours before taking your dose.  Drink plenty of water or gatorade (but not too much) during your dose.


Some people have a natural tolerance to mm, but hitting a mild trip most of us have found is very important to how well it works on our CH.  If you're only feeling mild effects of the mm and it's not working, then wait 5 days and move your dose up.  (in my opinion).




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now I have made all my MM to chocolate dont have them raw, anyways i cant forse myself to eat them raw even dryed I fell like puking my stomy hurts....

I also tryed to make tea off them maybe thats better way then chocolate?

p.s just had second attack today short one half our I dont understand so messet up this  time yesterday nothing today already two and more to come at night for sure...

last time I eated them was monday woke up and eated them on emty stomak, can I eat them again tomorow at night? is that enougt time or wait for after tomorow?

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Hello and Mery Chrismas to everyone!

so I tryed eating MM again and just when they were off I got attack again 4 in the moorning, dont know what to do next, have no meds here...

maybe going back to verapamil is an option? havent done it in two years maybe it will work again? lats time was drinking 280 mg/ day - did not help.

I feel desperate all doctors on vacations now MM doesnt help anymore...

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hi guys I tried LSD for first time yesterday and then I started feeling efects I had attack, started tripping while in pain, then I went deep but becouse of attactI think trip wasnt pleasand. 

I was laying on my side for four hours all shaking and sveting alot.

Today I already had attack not very painfull but still...

Did anyone had that happen? having attack on LSD? and what it means?

Should I do another dose after 5 days? I am really afraid to have bad trips again :/

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I'm sorry for you rimantas.

I personally relay heavy on lsd but never experienced an attack while tripping. Even having difficulties tripping at all :)

What I've noticed in the last 2years or so: it is so difficult in these days to get real world lsd. Even darknet is not a relaiable source at all and the ehrlich test not conclusive...

This said, changes are realy high one not getting real lsd in these days. Chemical production of ergot came to a shier stop worldwide!

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