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2018 Clusterbusters Patient Conference Denver

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Please ask questions here.  I will try to answer them in a more timely manner than last year.  I'll have help this year as well.  You can also message me on Facebook (eileenbunny) or email at conference@clusterbusters.org.  We are so excited for DENVER!!!

- Eileen


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  • 2 weeks later...


Personally I've never had altitude trigger an attack but I know that some have. Where I live is about 1000 ft....where I snow ski is an hour and 45 minute drive and the elevation is roughly that of Denver so I'm not worried. If flying is a trigger for you Denver could still be ok as cabin pressure is roughly equivalent to 8000 ft. Denver is roughly a 5400 average.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Planes and altitude near an equinox is the worst place to hold this conference. That time of year is one different barometric change after another also. Could be cold. They should always be held on a charter cruise to near the equator. No laws out there and can cure people instead of talk. The Cure Cruise. More fun too!

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  • 1 month later...

Denver is a great place too hold this years conference. I not only suffer with CH, I also suffer with Asthma.. I camped out for a week in Denver a few years back and had no problem until I attempted to go up to Pikes Peak with some of the other campers... That was a no, no... So they brought me back a pin (smile)... My headaches were no different in Denver, than they are here in Illinois...  Ladyluv - aka Mamahlf

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  • 4 weeks later...

just found out about cluster buster im soo happy to know im not the only one and you guys understand what this pain is . the emergency rooms told me i dont need oxygen they had no idea what cluster headache was im looking forward to denver conference in september 2018

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Unfortunately at this time there is not a streaming option and we do not foresee adding one in the future.  We may make some of the presentations available after the conference, but due to the need to keep the conference private and protected for all attendees, we don't allow live streaming or video recording in the conference space other than for official purposes.

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As for altitude, there's actually a thread about this from several years ago that might give some hope and guidance.  We also have a regional support group in Denver that may be able to offer some tips and advice.  Also, while we hope that you won't need it, oxygen will be available at the conference for everyone.  Please bring a regulator, mask, wrench, and whatever else you use as we will just be supplying the tanks.  Please bring your items even if you are not in cycle just to be on the safe side.  https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/577-altitude-effects/



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  On 4/18/2018 at 2:27 PM, eileenbunny said:

As for altitude, there's actually a thread about this from several years ago that might give some hope and guidance.  We also have a regional support group in Denver that may be able to offer some tips and advice.  Also, while we hope that you won't need it, oxygen will be available at the conference for everyone.  Please bring a regulator, mask, wrench, and whatever else you use as we will just be supplying the tanks.  Please bring your items even if you are not in cycle just to be on the safe side.  https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/577-altitude-effects/




I second this.....come prepared!!

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Clusterbusters is pleased to offer travel scholarships for our 13th Annual Patient Conference. If you need assistance in order to attend this exciting, educational, and life-changing event, please consider applying. We won't be able to accommodate everyone, but we will do our best to help as many as possible. If you have the means, please consider donating to our scholarship fund. https://clusterbusters.org/donate/ Thank you.




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  • 4 weeks later...

 My husband and I are trying to plan a vacation in Estes Park after this conference. Can you give me more information on the time frame? I see Thursday night is meet and greet and I assume the conference will be all day Friday and all day Saturday. How late does it go Saturday night? Also Is there some part of the conference continuing on Sunday? I definitely plan to make it but want to know how to make our plans afterwards.  Maybe I’m just an old idiot but I’m not sure how to sign up for this conference either.


Thanks so much for your help,



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Hi godsjoy 

Conference agenda usually wraps up around 5pm on Sat followed by the conference dinner.

There's not any official conference agenda on Sunday but many folks stay and get together for breakfast and goodbyes......I'm sure Racer is going but not sure about nani.

Dallas Denny

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  • 4 weeks later...

I will be staying in a hotel down the road from the convention and was wondering how to get O2 delivered to my room so I have it when I am not at the conference. I was going to drive out with my own but if I can get it delivered to the hotel I would fly out. 

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G'mornin FunTimes!

Let me message Eileen, our conference chairwoman, for confirmation but I'm relatively certain that you'll be able to check out and E tank st the conference hotel and take it back to your hotel...I'll post back when I hear back from her!  Looking forward to meeting you!

Dallas Denny 

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You are in for the experience of a lifetime FunTimes!  This will be my 4th conference....at my 1st in Portland (2010) there was around 35 of us....Las Vegas (2012), around 100....Austin (2016), well over 200!!  Amazing experience to be around a whole raft of folks just like yourself who absolutely "get it"......freaking priceless!!


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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone, I'm looking forward to it but the link for scholarships hasn't worked the last few weeks. Am I too late? I have a go fund me page to try to help but I'm not sure I can afford it even with that.

I look forward to seeing you all!

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