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All Day shadows


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I should be out of cycle by now cpmparing to my useual. But I am waking up with ha's 4/5 kip using oxygen to bring them down to a 3/4 but then they last from 7am until about 4pm? I am greatfull for no real hits & getting some sleep but 3 days worth of this is wearing me out. I is just enough I can't sit still or focus on things like work. Has anyone else had this? Tried some advil/excedrin, does not touch it.

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Have you tried energy drinks, like Red Bull. Also a tsp. of ginger powed in hot water makes a great tea and knocks shadows.Leslie 

Good strong coffee helps too. 

drink the nrg drink as fast as u can, if u love coffee make it in a french press (98% of caffeine is extracted i believe this way) or better yet an espresso. personally im a bit of a coffee connoisseur and would not recommend tim hortons or starbucks i dunno what that stuff really is  ::)

lol get a good fresh coffee if u have a local roaster.

theres even a drink from south america that is high in caffeine and 2 other brain stimulants called "mate" u need to have the loose leaves and make it in a french press as well, the tea bags dont cut it and the pre made stuff tastes good but doesnt have a super high caffeine content

use your o2 to knock the ch down, if it doesnt go away in 20 mins or so, take a break, then try it again, if it keeps coming back consume one of the fore mentioned drinks and go to the o2 again

some people can get a little relief from a powdered aspirin

or even .5g of mushrooms


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Hey K-Bo, I have shadows most of the time... really sucks because it's kind of "in between" basic relief approaches for a kip 2-3, like caffeine or Excedrin, and the more serious abortives you might reserve for a k6+. My shadows mostly run 2-4 but can creep right up to 5-6. Oxygen doesn't really help me much with these.

The best solution I've found is to get outside and do something active, as much as I can. I usually drink a Red Bull along with that. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes I resort to an Imitrex injection if it has gone on too long.


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I have tried NRG drinks & coffee, I drink that stuff ALL THE TIME 2-4  nrg & a coffee everyday. so i think i may have killed the effectiveness for me. tried Exedrin/IB profin also played a game of flag football today for over an hr. They are driving me nuts! Got some RC seeds just took my first dose. we will see how it goes. 

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i had shadows from early october to about 2 days ago costant, never stopped lasted from when i woke to when i slept and again next day, i didnt find energy drinks helped me nor coffee although sticking my head infront of my fan oven while the door was open was quite nice. 

i rarely got attacks this cycle i only had 2 major hits but it was the constant shadowing that got to me :-( i've felt the just one today but only last a few hours and was weak.

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