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Im the new girl, 12 years of mis-diagnosis and finally confirmed CH this week, on Sumatriptan only at the moment, which seems to help if taken immediatly the headache begins but this doesn't work when you are woken in the early hours!! Gonna read everything I can, just wanted to say hi x  :)

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Nice username; are you running out to get O2? 

I got to a point with Zomig (before O2) where I knew I would be awakened at 2:20am with a fierce CH, so I took 1/4 of 1 pill right at bedtime and it would prevent the inevitable hit.  I'm not necessarily recommending that you do that, it's just something I found successful for myself.

Much better to use O2 and then BUST!

Good Luck,


(aka KickAssClusterBustinMoFo)

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O2, O2, O2,  The only abortive that works for me and works everytime if taken quickly (w/o side effects).  I'm sure you'll see that it's highly recommended from others on the board as well. 

Imitrex...   While it works, it leaves me in a mental fog for days after taking it.  With O2 my mind is clear as a bell 15 minutes after the CH hit subsides.  Highly recommended to get an O2 perscription.

You'll find a wealth of knowledge on this board for a few alternative methods of not only aborting attacks, but how to end your cycles, or prevent them from starting.  None of the Dr. perscribed drugs worked with my hits or cycles (or worked but had hideous side effects not found in the options presented on this site)

Welcome to your new online family! ;)  Good Luck and Pain Free Wishes to You!


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I share the enthusiasm of the others about O2.  :)

Have you been prescribed imitrex pill form? That's a common mistake made by doctors because they all too often don't know jack about CH. The pills are too slowwww acting.

I personally don't experience side effects from imitrex (other than it prevents busting from working, and it costs a tremendou$ amount). The fast acting imitrex injections can really be relied upon to abort attacks  - even the wake up hits - for the average CH'er.

So one strategy is to go all out getting your O2 rigged up to be your first line abortive, and reserve imitrex injections for back up just in case.

If you could strictly use O2 for aborts while preparing to bust, that would be ideal of course.  :)

If you're stuck with just pills and no O2 tonight, I've heard others besides Keith report that taking the imitrex pill before bed can prevent the night time hit.

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Welcome! Sorry you had to find us but, this is the place to be for clusterheads. You'll find all the information you can handle and even some videos that are like looking in a mirror for most. As you will see, you are never alone here. It doesn't matter what time of day or night, somebody is here to listen and advise or just listen to a rant. Please don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have. There are no stupid ones. :)


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Wow, 12 years of misdiagnoses?  You have me topped!

02 is my #1 abortive.  Prior to getting 02, I was an Imitrex injection junkie.  They were effective for the most part, but the side effects and rebounds were horrible.   

You'll find lots of compassion and support from this amazing group.  I'm so glad you found your way here!

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  They are compassionate, generous AND funny

In my best Joe Pesci voice

What do ya mean, funny? Let me understand this cause, I don't know maybe it's me, I'm a little f**ked up maybe, but I'm funny how? I mean, funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh... I'm here to f**kin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?

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What do ya mean, funny? Let me understand this cause, I don't know maybe it's me, I'm a little f**ked up maybe, but I'm funny how? I mean, funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh... I'm here to f**kin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?

SEE WHAT I MEAN!  hahahahahahahahaha ;D ;D ;D

And that's just one of 'em!

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