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  1. The low level of the "normal" range of vitamin D [25(OH)D] is 30 ng/mL in the US. "Batch" (who has developed, improved, and closely tracked the D3 regimen) says this in the document I referred you to: >>CH'ers who have used this regimen and experienced a significant reduction in the frequency and severity of their CH or gone pain free and then had this test have had an average 25(OH)D serum concentration of 81.4 ng/mL. min = 34.0 ng/mL, max = 149.0 ng/mL.<< So you might be in the normal range but still have a "deficiency" regarding treating CH. Because so many people with CH get relief from O2, and because it is very very rare for anyone who tries high flow rates (25 lpm or more) with a good mask (such as this one: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/ccp8/index.php?app=ecom&ns=prodshow&ref=clustero2kit)to not have success, and because O2 makes such a huge difference, I would urge you to give O2 another shot. You'd have to buy the higher-flow regulator and the mask, but it might be worth it. And please don't completely dismiss busting.
    1 point
  2. ok...Bob...well thanks anyway fer starting this thread...it needs to be posted in future years..obviously...i have received no responses ...thats cool ...you know me...I'm painfree...i just wanted to come fer shits and gigtgles..and can't be there...BUTT there are many fuckin CHERS who are not as lucky as me who NEED to fuckin be there....You and I have been there ...and know many friends who ...can't shell out the kind of bucks it takes to be there...I have run founded and run NPO's . i'm asking a lot....you and DJ have given us wonders...you know i hold you cats in the highest esteem...i'm here ...a cheerleader fer the tired and poor and lonely folks with CH...i don't know what the solution is...butt it's gotta be ...for them...sumpthin other than an expensive hotel and appetisers.
    1 point
  3. I think I would give anything to really meet someone who "Lives " with this affliction....... I have only met someone so dibilitated by it that he did not live- I could not relate because I have to live......
    1 point
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