Sounds enough like CH that you ought to get it treated properly. The BP medicine is probably verapamil. Low dose is kind of required at first, to make sure it doesn't affect you negatively (docs should be following up on that), but a very substantial dose is usually required to have any effect during a cycle. It's not uncommon for people to be put on a course of steroids while waiting for the verapamil to get to high enough doses to help. For many people, steroids stop the pain while they're on them but the pain comes back afterward.
You should have OXYGEN -- the #1 abortive!!! And the pill (sumatriptan?) almost certainly won't help. Sumatriptan nasal spray works for a lot of people, and sumatriptan injections work for almost everyone.
That's pharma stuff. (There's more, but those are the basics.) The pharmas are not without side effects, except O2.
You should read the file in the ClusterBuster Files section about the vitamin D3 regimen. It's helped lots and lots of people. And give some thought at least to busting, which is covered in the numbered files in the ClusterBuster Files section.
If you go to the home page ( and click on the "Cluster Headache" tab at the top of the page, you'll be able to read a file about oxygen, see thorough information about treatment, and maybe locate a knowledgeable doctor.
Try quickly drinking a cold energy shot, such as 5-Hour Energy, at the first sign of an attack.
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