Thank you for all the input. I did have a scan at the hospital and they said all was clear. I did think it was a pretty slick idea to time in between attacks to dash to the er. At intake, the nurse called me brave. I told I wasn't all that brave. This 48 year old lady's big plan was to pull over to the side of the road and call her mommy if an attack came on while I was driving. The er doctor had me on 80 MG 3x/day of of verapapamil but my general practitioner, much to my dismay, decided he doesn't like calcium channel blockers so he chopped is down to 40 MG 3x/day. Thanks for that. Then he popped me on Trokendi XR 50mg 2x/day. Those are those ones I call my "stupid" pills. I can feel my IQ dropping by the day. They are killing my eyesight,I can't remember anything, tingling hand, dizzy, can't think straight, and I can't eat. Everything I read says you are supposed to build up to that kind of dosage. He slammmed me with the full dose all at building up. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to go back. These things make me feel awful with the side effects but I never want to feel that hideous pain again. I am scared to say anything to the doctor though. I can still feel the attacks at their normal times. I get the eyelid drooping, the sweating, the overheating, the congestion, a bit of the pain. I just don't feel that crippling pain. I think I am going to suck it up how it is for a week until I get to the neurologist and see what he has to offer and weigh my options from there.