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  1. 80mg x3 is a fairly standard starting dosage for Verap. The dosage goes up from there to as high as 900mg or so. Your GP did you a huge dis-service by reducing it for personal not medical reasons.. Adding the Trokendi XR is adding insult to injury. It is for Migraines of course. So, strike two for me. Yes, those side effects are awful. Don't think that I want glaucoma or blindness thank you. All of those symptoms should be reported to him!! They suck and can be dangerous. Especially the eye issues. It is an anti-convulsion medicine passed down to migrainers and then thrown at CH to see if it sticks!! I can't wait to read that you got a proper diagnosis and treatment with the Neuro! Just a few more days until you get some medical help I hope. Have you tried any of the suggestions given above? Please push for the O2 and take an advocate with you. Perhaps Mom, since she would have rescued you! Or someone who saw one of your attacks.
    1 point
  2. Thank you for all the input. I did have a scan at the hospital and they said all was clear. I did think it was a pretty slick idea to time in between attacks to dash to the er. At intake, the nurse called me brave. I told I wasn't all that brave. This 48 year old lady's big plan was to pull over to the side of the road and call her mommy if an attack came on while I was driving. The er doctor had me on 80 MG 3x/day of of verapapamil but my general practitioner, much to my dismay, decided he doesn't like calcium channel blockers so he chopped is down to 40 MG 3x/day. Thanks for that. Then he popped me on Trokendi XR 50mg 2x/day. Those are those ones I call my "stupid" pills. I can feel my IQ dropping by the day. They are killing my eyesight,I can't remember anything, tingling hand, dizzy, can't think straight, and I can't eat. Everything I read says you are supposed to build up to that kind of dosage. He slammmed me with the full dose all at once....no building up. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to go back. These things make me feel awful with the side effects but I never want to feel that hideous pain again. I am scared to say anything to the doctor though. I can still feel the attacks at their normal times. I get the eyelid drooping, the sweating, the overheating, the congestion, a bit of the pain. I just don't feel that crippling pain. I think I am going to suck it up how it is for a week until I get to the neurologist and see what he has to offer and weigh my options from there.
    1 point
  3. Smoking DMT was amazingly helpful for me but is a hard choice for me to recommend to people. Ayahuasca, while being a great experience for me, did not seem super helpful. What is always good to remember though, that "Ayahuasca" is a blanket term for a brew that contains both DMT and a MAO inhibitor to make the the DMT not get destroyed in our gut by the MAO enzyme. In other words, there are a lot of plants that you can use and I would imagine that each would be different. The one major thing that I wonder about with DMT is the fact that it is an endogenous brain chemical, we make it ourselves. This has led researchers to believe that it does not create "tolerance" because it needs to work all the time in your brain. If your brain did create a tolerance to it you would no longer be able to use the DMT in your brain that you need to and you would most likely not be functioning at all anymore. To me, this may be the crucial thing that separates the long lasting relief drugs (LSD, Psilocybin, etc..) from the short acting not long lasting relief drugs (like DMT) When you take mushrooms over and over again you KNOW that it is affecting your brain for months at a time because you take them again and don't have as pronounced of an effect. This may not be what is giving us relief, but I wonder if it is. -Ricardo
    1 point
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