Thank you Matt, Spiny, Bejeeber, CHfather, and Twisted-Melon for all of your comments and help. This is the place where I am getting so much support and help....all thanks to you.
Enough about me! How are you guys doing? Is life pretty normal and good for you guys right now? Are you guys managing the beast or have any of you kicked the beast out of town recently?
The 80MG of Verapamil I am taking doesn't feel right. I feel like I did some speed or something. Sort of a pressure feeling in my chest and a chemical taste in my system.
But good news is that I haven't had a night attack in over week so that means I am sleeping which I desperately needed to do.
I keep feeling and thinking that I am coming out of my cycle and the beast will be gone for a long long time. I need a long stretch of pain free days for that to happen!
I had 2 day time attacks last week that ripped me up bad and I went on this forum and starting typing to you guys about seeds. I was getting desperate and was ready to try seeds. I felt so "sick" as I was typing I lost the page and never sent it. But that is where I was on Sunday, hoping for seeds help. Maybe even ready for shrooms!
I am so grateful right now that I am fairly pain-free, I don't think I could have been able to handle more multi-attack days and nights. It's been over a month that this cycle has been going.
I can't stand taking all of the medications. It feels unnatural and unhealthy taking them but if they work, I have no choice but to ingest.
I'm also sort of worn out right now of trying to figure out what works and what doesn't work. I've been mostly caffeine, sugar, gluten, and dairy free for almost 2 weeks now and my improved health may be because of it. Who the heck knows!
I miss exercising. But if I workout, a nasty headache is almost certain.
I sure hope you guys aren't in any cycles right now. And I pray each day that you will never experience a headache again. I would give every dollar/possession (happily) to never experience that horrible left eye ball pain again.
My friend at work has been dealing with this since he was a child and he sort of is resigned to things. I think he takes a huge dose of Verapamil every day.
I'm trying to encourage him to try new things but he basically has tried everything he tells me. He thinks he just has to "grow out of it" in time.
Here is a quote from my Buddhist mentor Daisaku Ikea that I hope gives everyone strength and courage to keep fighting and believing that this can and will be defeated! Wishing you and your families good health because that is really what's most important. To be healthy. To your excellent health always, Jimmy-
Hope transforms pessimism into optimism. Hope is invincible. Hope changes everything. It changes winter into summer, darkness into dawn, descent into ascent, barrenness into creativity, agony into joy. Hope is the sun. It is light. It is passion. It is the fundamental force for life’s blossoming.