Jimmy, I believe Twisted-M makes a valid point, in that those of us who've spent years on end observing, discussing and experimenting with CH treatments have seen certain ones have proven to be most effective and work for an impressive percentage of headbangers, and the magic, AKA "psilocybin busting", T-M speaks of is known to be a powerful preventive, the most effective preventive for plenty of us.
I'll personally vouch for it's effectiveness, as could thousands of others at this point I believe.
With you right on the verge of a cycle coming to an end (I'm hoping!), I'm not sure whether you could get set up with it before the CH is gone, but I think it's something to keep high on the radar in general, while also keeping in mind the contra-indications regarding family history of schizophrenia, etc.
Now RC (Rivea Corymbosa) seeds, a psychoactively milder busting substance, are legal to quickly purchase online and to possess, but not ingest, and some have had success with them.