Great question and the short answer is Yes. Oxygen therapy, if properly administered can stop a CH hitting while sleeping all the way up to a Kip-9 on the 10-Point Headache Pain Scale. Once a CH has risen to a Kip-10, we're all along for some heavy sledding as very little works to abort CH at this pain level.
You need to understand that oxygen therapy, even administered properly, is still just an abortive and not a preventative... That means your next regularly scheduled CH attack will hit anyway. This can be frustrating until you realize when used properly, oxygen therapy can abort a CH in an average of 7 minutes... When you consider left untreated, a CH can last 30 to 90 minutes... That makes avoiding 23 to 83 minutes of needless CH pain a very good deal...
The better solution is to see your PCP for the 25(OH)D lab test. 25(OH)D is the first metabolite of vitamin D3 that's used to measure its status. It turns out that CHers with active bouts of CH are vitamin D3 deficient or insufficient, a serum 25(OH)D concentration less than 30 ng/mL... As CHers, we need to keep our 25(OH)D serum concentration up around 80 ng/mL in order to keep us CH pain free or significantly reduce the frequency, severity and duration of our CH.
The following chart illustrates the normal distribution curve of baseline 25(OH)D lab results taken before start of the anti-inflammatory regimen with 10,000 IU/day vitamin D3.
You can download a pdf copy of the anti-inflammatory regimen CH preventative treatment protocol at the following link. Henry Lahore posted this treatment protocol for me on 21 January, 2017. As of this morning, readers at the VitaminDWiki website have downloaded 3295 copies of this treatment protocol
Take care and please keep us posted.
V/R, Batch