Hi Bilal,
I’m sorry that you’ve had to find your way here, but welcome anyway. Certainly, what you’ve described does sound like CH and quite similar to how I remember mine starting. I was 18 when mine started. I was woken from sleep one morning with a horrible piercing pain behind my right eye that I just couldn’t ignore. It probably only lasted 15-30 mins and then I went back to sleep. Another one struck during the day a few days later. They became more frequent but then died away within 2-3 weeks. My first few bouts were always like this.
Your doctor sounds pretty switched on. He has looked to rule out hemicrania continua by trying indomethacin and has then gone for the standard front-line CH treatments. But I agree with CH Father – 80mg of verapamil daily is probably too low to be having any sort of effect. I’ve used 700mg daily in the past.
I can think of a handful of really appalling CH attacks I’ve had over the years, but I reckon that the bulk of my attacks would have been 5-6 on the pain scale and they are manageable, especially if I’m sitting up or able to walk around. It took me a long time to realise that lying down made them much more painful. So your description sounded very familiar to me.
Personally, I haven’t had a full CH attack in 14 years, but nowadays I suffer with bouts of “shadows” which can last for more than a year, and I never truly believe the CH attacks are gone forever. For me, sumatriptan injections worked very well and the nasal sprays were also good, if a bit slower. It’s possible that verapamil actually aborted 2 of my bouts, or at least controlled them. I hope it’ll work for you but you should definitely be talking to your doctor about increasing it. You must do this under supervision and with regular ECGs.
Good luck, Joe