Javan, how many people have to tell you that if you have CH, oxygen will save your life? I have no idea what you're talking about, and it's really frustrating me. You inhale O2 at the first sign of an attack and something like 10-15 minutes later, most of the time, you can go on with your day.
Triptans will f you up in the long run. Steroids will double f you up in the long run. Caffeine is not going to be effective in the long run, and you can't live a lifestyle of drinking caffeine all day. It will f you up (and, no matter what you think, it doesn't help, if it is CH that you have). ONLY oxygen will abort your attacks without eventually fing you up in some way. You're not "hooked up to an oxygen tank all day" -- you use it when you have an attack. You can make a nice portable backpack and take some with you pretty much anywhere. If you have psychological issues about using O2, I'd recommend seeing a shrink. You don't even have to use a mask if that bothers you; you can breathe through a tube so your face isn't covered. You CANNOT get by without O2 in the long run without a huge amount of completely unnecessary suffering. They aren't called suicide headaches for nothing. You can't smoke while using O2. Your dog hair and other messes and smoking pot aren't going to have any effect on your O2.
And, to repeat what I said yesterday, Zomig, the triptan, is an abortive, as is Imitrex, which is the injectable triptan. They're not preventives. They are very powerful stuff that you would only subject your body to because you want to end an attack. You can't take them all day, or take them as though they were preventives, because you'd be killing yourself, and you'd also be making each subsequent headache worse and each cycle longer. There is a reason things are done as they are.
I admire your truthfulness and your inquisitive spirit and your complete determination to remain as "normal" as possible. CH sucks, big time. Improperly treated, it has destroyed many, many lives. Your passions for life will see you through, and there are very promising treatments on the horizon, so that you almost certainly won't have to go through what people before you have endured. The founder of this site started taking psychedelics because for him, it was try that completely untested idea or commit suicide. Most people here who take MM or other psychedelics hate the experience. But they do it because it's the best thing they've found, with the fewest side effects -- for prevention. But they all, or virtually all, have O2 for abortion. I'm not recommending that you take psychedelics; I'm trying to help you see what CH can become if you don't deal with it sensibly. Now the D3 regimen is working pretty big wonders for hundreds of people and, as I say, it's possible that a very effective preventive, Aimovig, might be very helpful. Don't just read about the D3 regimen, do it. The guy who created it is an amazing person who will help you in any way he can, and he's there for you pretty much 24/7. And get the damn O2.