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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2018 in all areas

  1. Some of you may know about Lilly's new drug Emgality. It appears that it's now FDA approved and ready to go for migraine. The interesting thing is during an interview this morning on CNBC, Christi Shaw, Lilly Bio-Medicines president spoke not only of the new drug's effectiveness with migraine but of Lilly's desire for FDA approval for cluster headache. Have a listen.....the CH reference starts at approximately 1:55. CNBC Video More about Emgality
    1 point
  2. Matakarap, FOCUS. LISTEN- O2- at least 15liters/min via face mask, do it to abort. sumatriptan injections any dose- nasal spray not good in comparison- zolmitriptan is better if you really want to use nasal spray! STEROIDS. Calm down these are anti- inflammatory steroids and often stop the CH, albeit temporarily in many people. Take in the morning. VERAPAMIL Yes a minority of clusterheads actually have benefit so you deserve it to yourself to try the instant release form (80mg 3 times daily going to 2X80mg 3 times a day Peace, BostonHeadacheDoc!
    1 point
  3. All I know as a CHer for 25 years is that we are all abnormally smart in certain areas especially something to do with our artistic, cognitive, speech or visionary perspectives. But, we are all relatively depressed individuals, say like Van Gogh. We usually live longer lives if not killed off by prescribed medications than normal human beings. Thus GH is bloody good in us! We have a tolerance for very high dosage of pain, medications, drugs and alcohol. We do not age as quickly as our counterparts and have extremely inquisitive minds plus strong personalities. We are the future generation, I believe and one of every of our kids or their offspring will evolve further. Only my opinion. Jazz
    1 point
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