If you're going the Imitrex (trex) route you definitely need the auto injectors. Imitrex is mostly worthless in pill form as it takes too long to work. Your doc should be able to prescribe the auto injectors. They work in seconds to minutes. Now on to the other side of the coin. I stopped taking all that dr scripted garbage years ago because it either stopped working, or did more damage to my body that I was willing to accept.
Stick around and read others stories on the board. There's quite a few ways to diminish or really stop our CH.
Have you tried energy drinks yet? Drinking a redbull, monster etc right at the onset of an attack can significantly reduce the attack pain. Most any energy drink with Caffeine and Taurine (and possibly Guarana) in it works.
Also High flow Oxygen can stop an attack. The quicker you can get on it at 15+ liters per minute, the faster it'll stop the attack. It's best to get on it as you feel the attack coming, not waiting till the pain kicks in. Once the pain kicks in, it often doesn't work, or takes a long time to stop the attack.