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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2019 in all areas

  1. Mr S. Not sure if you live near a major city or not but most have a headache center at University hospitals, when my wife tried to get me in at one they told her I would have to wait a couple months for an appointment and she told them "you don't understand he doesn't have a couple months he has cluster headaches" once they heard that they imeadiatly told my wife they would get me in and cluster headache patients get VIP appointments. It's worth trying to find one because May is not reasonable for a cluster headache person. Most regular neurologist don't specialize in cluster headaches and can be frustrating to deal with because of thier lack of knowledge on the condition.. I drive an HR to see a good nuero..
    1 point
  2. triptans made my cycle always last too long,,3m or so When I went without tripans the cycle was shorter and the frequency wasn't daily but 2x week I 'll suffer with oxygen before I took another triptan in my life. I would only take triptan on a plane at this point. Triptans help but are definitely a huge trigger and can turn you into a chronic from episodic , speaking just from my experience.
    1 point
  3. Mine starts in the neck and then move to the jaw and teeth before attacking the right eye.
    1 point
  4. Hi John, Always behind right eye for me but more on the upper side between the eyebrow and the eye. Some kind of crunching tension However if it stays there it will most likely only be a shadow that can stay there for hours and hours. The real attack comes with fullness in the ear. Once I start to feel pressure in my right ear and become glowingly hot, I know its time ... Why do you think you do not have CH ? Is there anything in your symptoms that go against it ? Best Regards ! siegfried
    1 point
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