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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2019 in all areas

  1. Hey @johncluster, I will certainly keep this post updated (as appropriate), but I do need to let y'all know that I went with a different regulator than one of the two mentioned in this post. It's the AGPtek Welding Gas Welder Oxygen Regulator CGA 540 for victor torch cutting kits https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JJGL7LW/ I did that for a couple of reasons (which hopefully I won't regret haha) The price Availability of Prime delivery (I've already waited so long for even just a neurologist appointment). Others would have been at least a week in delivery. The description does not specify the barbed nipple size, but I'm assuming (hoping) it will be 1/4" because a lot of oxyacetylene hoses are also 1/4". Since I am a freelance work-at-home type of person, I don't have PTO or even insurance, so since I've not worked in almost 3 months I'm pretty low in my nest egg. We'll see how it goes, and as I said, I will keep this post updated with my results. Even if only one other "new" person reads this, it will be worth taking the time to present information that might not be available somewhere else. Plus, Google does actually crawl these posts for search engine results.
    3 points
  2. The problem with any forum is that you can answer the same question 100 times in 100 different ways and new people will still show up and ask it again without even 30 seconds of research. It's not like we are selling widgets here, this is important stuff for a rare group of people. Anybody in bad shape needs to invest the time. After 17 years of owning and running forums I have found that about 50% of forum users are helpful and the other 50% wants all info handed over to them on a silver platter.
    1 point
  3. there are stands, too, that hold multiple tanks. and i'm gonna say with great confidence that a full m-size welding tank (let's say 120 cu ft) weighs a whole lot more than 32 pounds. more like twice that, i'd bet. here's info for a 40 cu ft empty welding tank (30 lbs): https://www.amazon.com/Steel-Oxygen-Cylinder-CGA540-Valve/dp/B01E2T4V2W/ref=pd_sbs_469_22?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01E2T4V2W&pd_rd_r=ead8bfb9-6d2d-11e9-a9d7-63c732323a12&pd_rd_w=omtpf&pd_rd_wg=f455F&pf_rd_p=588939de-d3f8-42f1-a3d8-d556eae5797d&pf_rd_r=5RY00T8K50PYV2B5MX1S&psc=1&refRID=5RY00T8K50PYV2B5MX1S#productDetails
    1 point
  4. Let us know please if those nozzles were correct size. I once had a welding regulator but I count find small enough nozzle , so I returned it,,, I went to a supply store with it and an oxygen hose but all the fittings were just too big. If it works for a 1/4" hose that's gonna be really cool , because those medical regulators are more expensive and mine has a minor leak already. Welding regulator might be more durable.
    1 point
  5. Probably need to up the dose.
    1 point
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