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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2019 in all areas

  1. @CHfather. I found the old clustercluster.com site in 2007 by clicking the "clusterbusters" in the old ch dot com navigation bar.....it was strictly a website then with all of the info that's in Tommy D's files and there was one of those password protected "Yahoo groups" for discussion......I know the vast majority of us who joined this forum when it went live came from DJ's board because the launch was announced there so have no idea how we would have found this place thru a search back then!! Bless you DJ! Dallas Denny
    2 points
  2. You have to be careful with imitrex as it is a potentate vasoconstrictor. Getting it in vials or dividing autoinjector doses can help limit the total dose. Depending on your cardiac health you should tolerate a couple of doses a day. If you have underlying high blood pressure or heart disease caution is strongly advised. Cardiac events have been reported after using Imitrex but in general the risk has been overblown. The larger concern in my opinion is getting rebound headaches which are equally no fun when compared to clusters themselves. You also risk fairly profound gi distress from vasoconstriction if overused. Hopefully you can limit imitrex exposure by reducing doses and using oxygen
    1 point
  3. Hey Scott, I lived on Imitrex injections and verapamil for years. Routinely 2 to 4 inj. a day, as high as 6/day. During one particularly bad cycle I used over 100 in 5 weeks (that got the attention of my neuro). This was my only means to get thru work, and keep my sanity. I also knew I could not keep that regiment up. Since finding CB, my Trex use is minimal, maybe 1 to 6 times per cycle(desperate times require desperate measures), my cycles were about 16 weeks, now they are about 12 using O2, D3, and busting.
    1 point
  4. No. It's a concentrator, and those are generally no good (the O2 is not pure enough), and 5 lpm is not nearly enough.
    1 point
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