Hey CSA,
Thanks for the reply. While you're looking for a new PCP/GP, I'd restart vitamin D3 therapy. The following photo illustrates the brands and daily doses my wife, the rest of our family and I have been taking for many years. This is also what I suggested in the posted version of this protocol since 2011. It will also be in the updated version of this protocol I hope to have ready for prime time and downloads from VitaminDWiki.com in December.
You'll find the "How To" instructions at the following link. Take a copy to your new PCP/GP when you find one.
The Bio-Tech D3-50 is a recent addition to the anti-inflammatory regimen since July. of 2018. It's a 50,000 IU water soluble form of vitamin D3 that I've found to be faster acting with a higher bioequivalence in elevating serum 25(OH)D3 at the same dose as the oil-based liquid softgel vitamin D3 formulations. It's also more convenient and least expensive. You take one D3-50/day while loading and when the loading schedule is complete, you drop back to an initial maintenance dose of one D3-50/week. At 23 cents per capsule, that works out to a little over 3 cents a day for a an average of 7000 IU/day vitamin D3. The daily cost of the least expensive liquid softgel vitamin D3 is 12 cents/day for 10,000 IU.
Most CHers taking the Bio-Tech D3-50 have found the 12-Day loading schedule taking one D3-50 capsule a day for 12 days is sufficient to elevate serum 25(OH)D3 to a therapeutic range that prevents CH. When the loading schedule is complete, one D3-50 a week should be sufficient to maintain the therapeutic 25(OH)D3 serum concentration.
In short, I'd get back on that horse and send the CH beast running by restarting this regimen now. When you find a willing PCP/GP, the next set of labs for 25(OH)D3, calcium and PTH should confirm a therapeutic 25(OH)D3 range (80 to 100 ng/mL) with normal calcium and PTH in the lower third of its normal reference range.
Don't forget to get your daughter on vitamin D3 at 50 IU per pound of body weight/day along with calcium chews. At 2 to 3 years the average weight is around 30 lbs so that works out to 1500 IU/day vitamin D3 or 10,000 IU/week. I'd pick up some Bio-Tech D3Plus. This is an ideal vitamin D3 formulation for kids as it contains the essential vitamin D3 cofactors all in one capsule. It just needs calcium and phosphorus, the two primary building blocks needed to build strong growing bones.
The dose for a 2 to 3 year old with the D3Plus is one capsule every other day (48 hours) for an average of 1250 IU/day vitamin D3. The calcium gummy my grand kids take comes from Vitafusion. It's formulated with tricalcium phosphate.
One of these a day is great for 2 and 3 year olds.
Take care and please keep us posted.
V/R, Batch