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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2022 in all areas

  1. Amitriptyline is an old fashioned antidepressant in the tricyclic class. These types of meds were used extensively as anti depressants until SSRI's (Prozac being first to US market) took over the market. They currently are often used for chronic pain, sleep disorders and some forms of headache. Some doctors still use as an anti depressant. Starting at 150 mg is extraordinarily high dose and can be dangerous. You have experienced the danger for sure. Getting somewhere without knowing how or why is pretty dangerous. As amitriptyline has been around for a very long time it has been tried for a lot of conditions including cluster headaches. There is some evidence for the med in prevention of cluster headaches but its pretty spotty. Given the evidence available for oxygen as an abortive for cluster headaches its inexcusable any knowledgeable provider would deny access.
    2 points
  2. As far as the oxygen and insurance goes I pay for it out of pocket and it is actually cheaper then if insurance covered it. Yes it does not help my deductible but oh well. You have the script I would start calling around and set it up as soon as you can. Tell them your paying out of pocket and work a deal up. Take what they give you, the tanks are all you will most likely get from them that will be of any use. The regulator you will buy on your own and also the mask. To hold you over you can use 5hr type energy drinks to help slow down and sometimes kill off a hit if you get it early enough. Hot water foot bath with ice pack on your cluster side of your head, Hyperventilate breathing tech, vigorous activity. People try all kinds of things and sometimes they work and sometimes not but it gives you some hope!. Stick with it and you will find help, This site if full of helpful people that have goin through it all just like you are now. Kind of sucks but this is the place all the cool kids hang out and help each other. Here are a few links to the O2 supplies you will want to look into getting if you do get some tanks. Also use the search bar up top and look up welding oxygen. Ask tuns of questions and someone will help. This regulator will work on E tanks https://www.amazon.com/EverOne-Oxygen-Regulator-Liters-Connection/dp/B07L9P7V55/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1_sspa?keywords=25plm+oxygen+regulator&qid=1554376658&s=gateway&sr=8-1-fkmrnull-spons&psc=1 This one will work on the M and M60 tanks https://www.amazon.com/Oxygen-Regulator-Standard-Body-CGA540-protector/dp/B00BXRBJG8/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_3_sspa?keywords=540+CGA+oxygen+regulator+0-25lpm&qid=1554376819&s=gateway&sr=8-3-fkmrnull-spons&psc=1 ~OR~ wtfarley.com/Oxygen-Standard-Body-Click-Regulator-CGA-540 The mask can be found here http://www.clusterheadaches.com/ccp8/index.php?app=ecom&ns=prodshow&ref=clustero2kit
    2 points
  3. Hey all! As of this writing, I'm getting further into my latest and greatest cycle. I'm averaging 2-3 hits per day(this is prior to the new med: Will detail that in a moment). I recently went to a new doctor to attempt to get oxygen prescribed. Unfortunately, he did not.... He did, however, prescribe a medication I've yet to hear of. It's called Amitriptyline. Here's the following events in order 10Feb2022: Doc appt at 3:30. He prescribes Amitriptyline. 150mg dose once daily taken at night. I go about my day, get the meds and head on home. I take my first 150mg pill that night. 11Feb2022: The next morning, my wife had to wake me(that never happens) to get ready for work. I stumble to the bathroom. Wife wakes me AGAIN 30 mins later because I'm laying in the bathroom floor with the shower running. I'm at a lose because I don't remember a damn thing!! Screw it... I jump in the shower and get ready for work. 11Feb2022: Later in the day(approx2-3pm) I realize I don't remember driving to work... I work 40 mins away from my house!!! 11Feb2022: Later that night, I talk to the wife about my concerns of the day... She's concerned, of course, but I take the 150mg pill again much earlier than the night before and eventually pass out. 12Feb2022: I wake up late as hell!!! Thankfully it's a Saturday and I didn't have to work. Cotton mouth galore... Feel groggy as well...BUT SO FAR CLUSTER FREE!! 12Feb2022: Wife and I meet up with a friend of ours later in the day and low and behold, he has Amitriptyline 25mg pills and he no longer takes them!! I'm sure you can figure what happened next. Still cluster free at this point. 12Feb2022: Take 25mg pill that night and go to bed. 13Feb2022: STILL CLUSTER FREE!! Fingers crossed/so far so good. Go about my day and take another 25mg later that night. 14Feb2022: Woke up and off to work I go. Time as of right now is 1330hrs on 14Feb. Still cluster free. I would appreciate all thoughts and personal experiences!!!
    1 point
  4. My cycle ends with a full week of heavy shadows that nothing will shift .I get no hits just full on heavy shadow day and night . But I know that it's the end so happy days
    1 point
  5. I know when my cycle is over when it switches sides for the last hit. It is way more intense and last longer.
    1 point
  6. Hey Swift! It was great meeting with you and the others last week! It was a great experience meeting others who share the experience of clusters and getting information that might help with this condition. I look forward to collaborating further and meeting others as well!!
    1 point
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