Hey all!
As of this writing, I'm getting further into my latest and greatest cycle. I'm averaging 2-3 hits per day(this is prior to the new med: Will detail that in a moment). I recently went to a new doctor to attempt to get oxygen prescribed. Unfortunately, he did not.... He did, however, prescribe a medication I've yet to hear of. It's called Amitriptyline. Here's the following events in order
10Feb2022: Doc appt at 3:30. He prescribes Amitriptyline. 150mg dose once daily taken at night. I go about my day, get the meds and head on home. I take my first 150mg pill that night.
11Feb2022: The next morning, my wife had to wake me(that never happens) to get ready for work. I stumble to the bathroom. Wife wakes me AGAIN 30 mins later because I'm laying in the bathroom floor with the shower running. I'm at a lose because I don't remember a damn thing!! Screw it... I jump in the shower and get ready for work.
11Feb2022: Later in the day(approx2-3pm) I realize I don't remember driving to work... I work 40 mins away from my house!!!
11Feb2022: Later that night, I talk to the wife about my concerns of the day... She's concerned, of course, but I take the 150mg pill again much earlier than the night before and eventually pass out.
12Feb2022: I wake up late as hell!!! Thankfully it's a Saturday and I didn't have to work. Cotton mouth galore... Feel groggy as well...BUT SO FAR CLUSTER FREE!!
12Feb2022: Wife and I meet up with a friend of ours later in the day and low and behold, he has Amitriptyline 25mg pills and he no longer takes them!! I'm sure you can figure what happened next. Still cluster free at this point.
12Feb2022: Take 25mg pill that night and go to bed.
13Feb2022: STILL CLUSTER FREE!! Fingers crossed/so far so good. Go about my day and take another 25mg later that night.
14Feb2022: Woke up and off to work I go. Time as of right now is 1330hrs on 14Feb. Still cluster free.
I would appreciate all thoughts and personal experiences!!!