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Everything posted by b.g.
Notepad, CHECK! And thank goodness the weather is going to lighten up. It was MISERABLE out there today!!
The time is almost here!! I'm so excited! I was a little bummed to find out that there are a couple of you I was really looking forward to meeting that will not be attending this year Hope to see you next year Dan and Bob. Since this is my first conference ..... anyone have any last minute advice?? Only 3 days away!!
Bummer! It just gives me an excuse to go out for breakfast instead of cooking for myself
I also have a few smells that trouble me. I am chronic and have been for 3 years. From day 1 the smell of road tar has been an instant trigger. If I come upon some road construction where they are laying asphalt I literally have to turn around and find an alternate route. Also, just in the past year, cooking bacon or sausage has really started to get to me.
Just so I am perfectly clear here ..... I am an Apria client, but there really isn't much need for me to mess with the travel client and have tanks there waiting for me. I will be driving and bringing enough o2 for myself. I WILL be able to have my own o2 and equipment with me all weekend correct?
I'm looking forward to it
WOW!! there is going to be some amazing art this year!!
I'm just now emotionally over my divorce and ready to put my fine ass back on the market. We can start the bidding at $1 ;D
HIYA MG!!!! Yup. I quit getting myself into those "arguments" as well. There's better things in life to worry about. BUT ..... I bet I can eat more french fries than you!!
Sorry y'all. I've searched and searched and can't find it. (if he ever posted it at all)......... but does anyone know who did Tom's (clusterheadsurvivor) DBS surgery? What doctor and what city in Canada? thanks in advance. steve
I get the occasional short burst of lightning bolt pain ..... but I know FOR A FACT that it is light induced. I have a Horner's and basically wear polarized sunglasses 24 hours a day. On some days I wear an eye patch over my right eye. But there have been times that I have been caught off guard (wake up in middle of night to use bathroom, turn on light, get throttled). Does she have a Horner's? Showing any symptoms? I'm not even gonna ask why she wouldn't go back on o2 .... I'm sure you have that one handled Best wishes to the both of you.
I can't say that I have?? I'll go look that up
Yup, the old fabric softener sheets in the empty toilet paper tube is a time-honored and well-tested method ..... but you still have to worry about the residual smoke from the joint, bowl, bong (or whatever you are using as a smoking implement) ---- the moral of the story though ... medical marijuana has a very distinct and very POTENT odor when smoked.......... but you can eat a canna-cookie while sitting in church and nobody would know Medibles don't make your breath, clothes, hands, or car smell like marijuana. This thread has gone off-track .... damn pot heads
hahaha, yeah a little extreme I had a patient who was "older" and lived in an apartment complex. She had a crazy system of inline high power fans and carbon scrubbers installed in her house so she could blow her bong smoke into the fan, have the air cleaned, and then have it discharge through the roof. After a few complaints from neighbors about the hallways smelling like pot smoke all the time (makes me think of the hotel parties from years ago) she had all that stuff installed. Eventually she got onto medibles, the neighbors never smelled any smoke, and she sold all the fans and carbon scrubbers to a local grower
You guys got my brain going so I'm gonna continue rambling for a bit here Michigan first approved their Medical Marijuana laws in 2008 and I arrived there shortly after. It was all brand new and weird. None of Michigan's neighboring states have MMJ and the idea was VERY new to a lot of people. Since 2008 there have been tons of documentaries filling the television, along with numerous article in newspapers and magazines that have helped educate the masses. I was a recreational user as a younger guy ... but I had no idea that there was an entire behind the scenes world to cannabis. For some people (the stereotypical older religious person) smoking is taboo. Some patients can't smoke due to pre-existing medical conditions like emphysema. Another reason people don't want to smoke is the smell. Yes, even though it is legal in medical states, it is a multi-billion dollar industry and not everyone wants to advertise to the neighbors that they are sitting on some high quality cannabis ...... the world is full of bad people waiting to prey on the sick and the poor. Enter medibles, tinctures, salves, and oils. As a caregiver (that's what they call growers in medical states) one becomes MUCH more than a "hippie weed grower". We have patients that depend on us for their daily health and well-bieng. We become doctors/pharmacists/friends. I dealt with cancer, death, wasting syndrome, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, and other horrible things on a daily basis. More than I could have ever expected. One thing about medibles that gives it a GREAT advantage over smoking the raw plant is the ability to measure out exact doses. Or at least MUCH MORE close to exact. Every medical state has one I'm sure, and in Michigan it's a company called Cannalytics. They can take raw marijuana and test it for chemical compounds. You normally will see the peperwork/test results next to the pretty containers in your local dispensary ....... but not all caregivers spend the time/money to have their meds tested if they are growing for patients and not for the "commercial market" of dispensaries. Just because a seedbank website says a certain strain has 17% THC and 4% CBD doesn't make it so. Not even close. There are sooooo many factors involved from seed to harvest to obtain those results. Light, grow method, nutrients, pest infestations ..... all of these things drastically affect chemical compounds in the finished product. The flowers from the top of the plant may have a different chemical makeup than flowers from the middle or the bottom of the plant ..... the possibilities of skewed numbers are literally endless. Like any other advertising in the world ..... they are giving you the best possible results from the best possible conditions. When we concentrate raw flowers into "hash", we can compress an entire plant into one small handful of material, have that material tested, and be 100% certain of the same chemical makeup throughout the entire batch of hash. That hash can then be used to make something simple like butter. I won't bore you with the math, but obviously if you add 3 grams of hash to 1 pound of butter you can figure out exactly how much medication is in a tablespoon of butter. Medibles can be "constructed" to be 100% effective on the body and have zero effect on the mind (or vice versa). They travel easy ... they don't smell ... they are safer on the lungs .... and the ingestion possibilities are longer than train smoke. Cannabis infused olive oil for pasta or side salads is my favorite......Canna-butter on popcorn is good too
Yeah the differences in all of us with MMJ are incredible. As a Michigan resident, I was carded for clusters, and had the chance to grow/try many different strains in my couple years there. I couldn't smoke it. Period. Smoking = attack almost every single time......BUT..... medibles after an attack are a God-send for me. I am always left with residual facial pain on the right side and medibles smoothed that right out for me. I did have an acquaintance with clusters who found relief from smoking though. He swore by the Moby Dick and Moby #2 (from Greenhouse Seeds I believe). EDIT: here you go: https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/green-house-seeds-moby-dick/prod_3322.html It's a nice Sativa/Indica mix..... a little heavy on the Indica side. SUPER STICKY with very high THC and actually pretty high CBD content as well. Taking notes from his success I would take ounces of Moby and turn it into all kinds of medibles/tinctures with the aforementioned releif from residual pain. For those using medibles, I would recommend the highest CBD content you can find. Making canna-butter or even QWISO hash to eat is a very simple process. Lately I have been melting QWISO into food grade glycerine oil and it it amazing. For those smoking, I would go with as close to a 50/50 blend as you can find and go from there.
+1 Great work! I've been contemplating a CH tat. Nothing compared to a sleeve though! Looks good.
HOLY SH** !! WOW... that is incredible! And ..... I drive through Milwaukee twice a year on my way to the Michigan U.P. ....... i see its not that far off 94
i would say if you have already started, finish the job. Personally I wouldn't let one night sway my agenda.
Hiya Tyke! I'm Steve. So glad you found the site. If you ever need anything, just ask. As far as your text that I quoted above.... I feel you. I didn't have to wait 12 years to find this site, but it really is a wonderful thing that cannot be put into words. Most of us have quit trying to explain clusters to friends/family because there really is no explanation that does the pain justice. You can talk until you are blue in the face, but unless you have experienced an attack, you will never know what it is like. Then you get in with this group of nutheads around here and it can be life changing. We all know how you feel. WELCOME!
Welcome aboard the pain-train! Sorry you are here, but glad to see you. Do you have oxygen? Best regards, Steve
Those moments are so special!! Reminds me of when I had to ask to use the bathroom in a small pharmacy so I could quickly jab meself in the leg with freshly purchased trex after having completely run out. The unique part was that this was not so much a pharmacy, but a farmacia, in TIJUANA. (I lived in san Diego at the time, and it was more economical to pop over the border for med$). Oh well at least that bathroom was actually clean, so you still got me beat b.g. yeah I don't know. needles in t.j. automatically means bad news doesnt it? at least i probably could have explained myself if busted